"Hey what are you doing here"

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Brandon was taking Callie on a special date.He felt bad because he had competition  and functions he needed to perform, so he was making it up to her.

"Where are you taking me"Callie giggled

"It is a special place I found"he told her 

"Really,a place for only us"she smiled

"Yes, my love I want to spend sometime with you and only you since I have been so busy"

She squeezed his hand"I understand Baby,how did the competition go"she asked as she kissed his hand

"I could have done better"

He pulled into the driveway 

"What is this place"she asked 

"Its an abandon house,I found it"he told her 

"Is it haunted"she acted scared 

"No come on"he laughed

They got out of the car and were walking up to it"

"How did you find it"she asked 

"My car broke down a couple weeks ago and as I was waiting for help so I took a look around""No one lives here"he opened the door"After you my lady"he gestured for here to come in

Callie walked in and she was amazed "Oh wow this is beautiful"

Brandon just stared at her 

"This is like my dream home"she told him

"If this was our house how would you decorated it"he asked 

"Well"she walked closer to the staircase"I would put family photos all along this wall that lead up the stairs""Then I would"she walked in the next room"I would make this our living room and it would be like a brown and tan colors so its nice and cozy,we could sit by the fireplace every night and and reflect on our day""What do you see in this house"she turned and looked at him

He grabbed her hand "I would put a big screen TV on this wall"

She shook her head "No not in this room, I want you to play piano in this room

He wrapped his arms around her waist"Is that so"

"Yes you can serenade me anytime I please"she looked up at him

"Yes, how about now"he smiled

"B there is no piano here"she said 

"Guess again"he grabbed her hand and lead her in the next room

"Oh wow"she was shocked to see it

They sat down on the bench and he started playing the song he wrote for her.Callie was mesmerized by him playing it was like the music spoke to her

After he was finished he looked up at her and the two of them stared at each other.Callie leaned in and kissed him with passion.With out pulling away Brandon pulled her on his lap her body hit the keys causing them to giggle they made out for a while

"B"she said out of breath

"Yes"he was kissing her neck

"I want you to make love to me"

Brandon stopped what he was doing and looked up at Callie"Callie are you sure"

"Ya I'm sure"she said

He picked her up and laid her on the floor.The next thing they were slowly taking each other clothes off

"Wait"she pulled away

Brandon & Callie ~Teenage LoveWhere stories live. Discover now