"Take care of our girl"

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Brandon's head was resting on Callie's stomach.Everyone was in the room with them Robert was on his phone trying to look up the best doctor for Callie.Jill was holding Sophia.Sophia was the first to notice.Callie moved her hand and brushed against Brandon's hair

"Mom,Dad"Sophia said to get their attention.Robert looked up from his phone and had tears in his eyes

"Brandon"she said softly

Brandon heard her voice and lifted his head up"Callie"he smiled

"I'm sorry"she said 

Brandon leaned up and kissed her lips"You have nothing to be sorry for"he told her 

"I'm the one who should be apologizing"Robert got up and made his way over to Callie"I was so blind to see how much you were hurting"he sat on the bed "we have a lot of things to talk about..but right now I'm so glad you are ok"

Callie was crying"I'm sorry Dad"she sat up and hugged him tight

"Its ok my Baby"he kissed her head

"You are going to be ok that is all the matters right now"Brandon said

Sophia walked over to her sister"You scared me"she said 

Callie pulled away from Robert and looked at her sister

"You promised me"she got angry

Jill put her hands on Sophia's shoulders"Not now honey"she pulled her back

Sophia pushed her Mom's hands away and ran out of the room

"Give her some time,I'll be right back"Jill went after her

Later on Brandon was lying on the bed holding Callie,he was stroking her hair.As she was listening to his heartbeat

"Brandon''Callie said

"Ya"he looked down at her 

"Are you mad at me"she asked 

"I'm more sad then mad"

"Why"she asked 

"I almost lost you"

"I'll never do it again"she tighten her grip on him

"Promise something Callie"

"What"she drew circles on his stomach

"If you ever feel like your alone,come find me"he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it

"Ok"she leaned up and kissed his lips

They were kissing when they heard the door close,they both looked over and saw Sophia standing there

"I'll go call my family and let them know you are awake"he said know the two sisters needed time alone.He got up and gave Callie one more kiss before leaving

Callie patted the spot next to her"Come here"she told her 

Sophia walked over and sat next to her sister,Callie wrapped her arm around her shoulder"I know you must be mad at me,I get it""And I'm so sorry I did this again"

"I'm the one who found you"she said 

Callie looked at her sister"I am so sorry for that too"

"I thought I was going to lose you"

"You can never lose me"she brought her closer

"I almost did because of Dad"

"I promise you two I'm going to trey to be the father you both want"Robert told them

Brandon & Callie ~Teenage LoveWhere stories live. Discover now