1% connor

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this book is currently undergoing editing! I may rewrite a few of the imagines as my writing skills have gotten better. I hope you enjoy the book<3

short and cute imagine
I let out a heavy sigh, stepping into the shower. As the hot water hot water streamed down my back, I felt a mix of relief and bliss. These past weeks few have been nothing but stress. Connor had been focusing so much on YouTube and other things, we'd barley seen each other.

I sat in the shower for longer than intended, thinking over past things and thinking about future and plans and what not.

Just as I stepped out of the shower, I heard a yell from downstairs.

"I'm home!" Connor called, his warm and seemingly happy voice spread through the house. I smiled faintly, as I wrapped a towel around myself.

Once I was dressed, I walked down the stairs, a greeting smile on my face.

"You are home!" Connor smiled, walking from the kitchen.

"Where else would i be?" I chuckled. In one swift moment he wrapped me up in his arms. "Woah!" I said loudly, surprised by his actions.

"I missed you." He matched the loudness of my voice, walking over to the couch.

"I missed you too but you-" I started but didn't finish as a small yelp left my lips as he started to tickle me. "Connor! Stop! Stop!" I begged, laughing harder each second.

After about a minute he finally gave way, a goofy grin spread across his features.

"I love you." I rolled my eyes, pulling in for a kiss.

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