A sunflower droops a few petals fall.
A young girl hides her face but her friend sees the tears hit the ground.
The petals droop more the clouds roll in with raindrops to spare.
Sobs start coming the friend calls more friends who all bring something to share.
Rain splashes the ground and wetten the flower the petals grow stronger and stronger.
More people come surrounding the girl some cry right along with her though her tears start to subside.
The clouds keep on giving the flower still drinking but its stem begins to straighten.
Her cheeks still moist the girl laughs at a joke her friends keep on speaking.
The sun has returned the rain all gone away while the sunflower stands stronger then ever.
Her tears finally gone her friends all returned home the girl stands in front of her mirror. She fixes her hair while she smiles at herself. Despite the recent sadness her smile is bigger than ever before.
Just like the sunflower she had a dry stretch where she just didn't get quite enough water. But it was only a matter of time before the clouds rolled in and rain started falling and she got the drink she'd been needing.
She healed like a bone. Broken from stress but once healed, stronger than before.