6307200 Seconds

35 3 6

2 years
24 months
104 weeks
730 days
17520 hours
1051200 minutes
6307200 seconds

That's how long I have to wait
Until I feel complete again.

6307200 seconds of always being on the brink of despair.

1051200 minutes of never truly being able to talk to one of my best friends.

17520 hours of waiting for my turn to throw my arms around you and keep you close to me.

730 days of agonizing pain in which I don't know exactly where you are and how you're doing.

104 weeks of you living in a totally different world.

24 months of being strong for the others when I'd rather break down.

2 years before I'll see you in person.

6307200 seconds
1051200 minutes
17520 hours
730 days
104 weeks
24 months
2 years

That's how long I have to wait
Until I feel complete again.

But then another will leave and I'll have to do it all over again.

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