Grand Finale

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After Vincent left I realized I'd been sitting on the couch, staring at the clock for a while. He didn't leave until close to 3am and here it was almost 6. I was still so confused. And dazed... blind-sided was more like it. And hurt. I didn't know what to think of the events that had taken place just a few hours before. Was I reading into this the wrong way? Did he get the wrong signals from me? I knew Vincent and he wasn't this kind of person. He cared about me. He cared more than anyone else has in my entire life. I don't want to believe he hurt me on purpose. I just can't. I slowly picked myself off of the couch and made my way to my bedroom. I climbed out of my clothes and plopped onto the bed. I'm exhausted and too focused on what happened to even bother getting into any night clothes. I closed my eyes and within seconds was sound asleep.

I awoke to my alarm clock annoyingly invading my ears with it's beeping. Ugh, 5pm already? I got out of bed and lazily got into the shower. Dried myself off then put on my uniform for the day. It wasn't until I was brushing my teeth that I remembered what had me so worried earlier. The events that consumed my thoughts entirely and my eyes glazed over with tears. I started to contemplate missing work tonight. No, I should go. I'm sure we just got our signals crossed. He was my closest-dearest friend. He would never hurt me on purpose. I finished getting ready and walked out the door to my car.

I walked into the doors of the pizzeria. My former co-workers waved at me and I meekly waved back as I headed to the security office. I couldn't even help the day-shift with cleaning right now. I had too much on my mind. I sat down in my usual spot and looked around the office. Vincent was no where to be seen, which isn't unusual. I was always here before him. I stared at the chair he always sat in, lost in thought.

"Hello, love~" a deep voice snickered as I looked up to see Vincent standing in the doorway. A part of me thought about running away. Just run. No, that is no way to solve a problem. Besides, we needed to talk about this. "H-hey" I stammered, unable to look at him. He grinned at me and glanced at the camera. "So we ne-" I looked up to find him missing. I glanced at the camera to see him locking the front doors. I watched him pass by the office as he locked the back door and then entered the room again. He shut the door behind him and I reached over my shoulder and hesitantly shut the door behind me.

"So, Vincent..." I started. "Hmmm~?" He acknowledged me speaking but didn't take his eyes off of the camera. "W-we need to talk about this!" I said loudly. It got his attention, he turned his chair to face me. "Yeah..." he looked at the floor and paused for a moment. "I'm sorry about what happened. I was brash... At the time, I thought you wanted it to.. But looking back, I can tell I scared you. Were you scared?". His eyes still focused on the floor "Yeah... I was" I said. We sat in silence for a few minutes when I noticed his facial expression change. He was looking down so it was hard for me to put a name to the expression. I leaned forward to put a hand on his shoulder as his head slowly lifted. I was met with a wide malicious grin and cold eyes. "Good" he growled. Suddenly he was only inches away from me, staring at me. That grin smeared across his face.

"Vin-Vincent...?" I started but soon was jerked out of my chair by Vincent's hand in my hair. I don't understand! We're friends! Apparently Vincent could read the utterly confused look on my face as I stood there, held in place by his hand pulling my hair. "Awe~ The stupid little cunt doesn't know what's happening!" he chuckled. "Let me explain then... You were a game to me. You were always a game since the first day we met. You mean NOTHING to me. You never have. The only form of pleasure I've gotten out of our 'relationship' was this morning.. Remember? When you were crying and choking on my dick?"*Such a dumb bitch. How could she possibly think anyone would care about her?! I'm doing her a favor.. This is the most exciting thing that will ever happen to her*.

I tried to choke back tears as I stared at my friend... my close friend. The one person who understood me. I spilled my heart out to him. He knew everything about me. Vincent snickered as he looked at me, then the desk. In one solid movement he slammed me down onto the desk, the rolled me over onto my back. I could barely see him my eyes were so hazy from the tears that have yet to fall. He looked like a monster. He ripped the pants and underwear from my body. He loosened his grip from my hair then pinned both my hands to the desk above my head by my wrists.

*Finally, I'm going to split her open... Literally* Vincent sneered at me, again. I struggled to get up but he had my hands firmly fixed to the desk and he used his hips to spread my legs. Me, laying on the desk and him standing on the floor in front of me. He cocked his head to the side as if pondering why I was putting up such a fight. With his free hand he unbuttoned his pants and slid them and his boxers down, never taking his eyes off me. He leaned over me, tightening his grip on my wrists. "Open your mouth" he said. "W-wha-" he forcibly ran his tongue into my mouth, our lips roughly meeting. I didn't kiss back and instead struggled to shake my head to break this. He smirked into the kiss, loving every second of my struggle.

I suddenly feel him ram into me. It hurt and I tried to scream but his mouth was still covering mine. My hands still pinned above my head, he thrusts hard. His thrusts grow more rough every time. He eventually separates our mouths and I try to scream but my sound is abruptly cut off by his hand forcing down onto my neck. I.. can't.. breathe... My body sliding up and down with his trusts. He takes his other hand away from my wrists and I immediately begin clawing at his arm that is restricting my breathing. Tears were streaming down my face, now. I trusted him. He never cared. He used me. He played me...

I could taste blood in my mouth, now. He crushed something in my throat. I took a hand away from his arm that was controlling the hand choking me and gently put it on the side of his face. Pleading to him to stop. He seemed to get angry, slapping my hand away and reaching over for something, never missing a thrust. I tried to talk, but whatever he'd crushed in my throat made it nearly impossible. "V-vin....pleas...." I weakly said in a quiet raspy voice. I felt my shirt and bra come loose... He had somehow managed to get them off. My vision was growing dim as I suddenly felt a jolt of pain in my chest. My eyes widened as my gaze slowly fell from his face to my chest. He released his hand that was choking me keeping the other hand where he had just firmly planted it.

I could finally focus in on what had caused the pain. His hand, firmly grasping the handle of a knife which lay buried deep into my chest. Both of my hands slowly raised, making their way to the knife but I paused before touching it. Maybe if I didn't touch it, it wouldn't be real. Vincent moaned loudly with my reaction, the thrusts becoming faster, harder, more painful. Each thrust sent the knife further into my chest. Vincent leaned down to run his tongue across one of my nipples, grinning. My breaths were shallow, raspy. And I could taste more blood in my mouth. Vincent let out a loud groan as he released into me, forcing the knife deeper. I... I can't take this much more. I'm dying. Vincent pulled out of me, then smirked as he slowly pulled the knife from my chest. The pain was excruciating. He sat the knife down beside me as he pulled up his boxers, then his pants and buttoned them. "THAT'S what I've been waiting for" he beamed. "That magnificent look of complete terror. Those tears. You really know how to please a man" he chuckled. Vincent let out a sigh of relief before stepping back towards me. I didn't feel like I could move. "Did you have fun, love~?" Vincent cooed at me.

Maybe there was still time to get help. Maybe I could still live. I slowly forced myself into a sitting position on the desk. Remnants of my clothes partially hanging off of me. "Sti..l.... tiiimme....." I gasped out trying to beg Vincent to get help. He grinned widely "You want to get help? Fine, here you go! Go get it!" He said as he slammed his hand against the button to open the door. I knew I didn't have long before he changed his mind so I gathered up what strength I had left and hurled myself towards the doorway. I slammed against the opposite wall and looked back at Vincent who was still grinning from the security office. I could barely see but started to stumble my way down the hallway, bouncing from one wall onto the other. I stopped for a second, trying to urge myself to keep going. I glanced back over my shoulder, scared Vincent would be right behind me... But he wasn't. He was still standing in the doorway... grinning. Something doesn't seem right. He wouldn't just let me go. I turn forward to keep moving but am met by a large obstruction.

I slowly raised my eyes to see Freddy. I tried to turn away. To run back to the room... but in my weakened state I was too slow. Freddy grabbed my head and started to drag me away. I could see Vincent, his grin growing with every step Freddy took. I was in a dark room now and felt myself being lifted up. Searing pain started shooting through my body. Blood started pouring from my mouth. I felt like I was being crushed and cut into pieces at the same time. Freddy put an animatronic head over me as my vision faded to black.

Vincent laughed to himself "I knew those stupid animatronics would work perfectly for this. Now I just need to sneak out the back and run her car into the lake.". Vincent had already used a spare animatronic arm to slap the camera facing the back door so that it would be aimed towards the ceiling. He quietly went out the back and brought his plan to a conclusion. Upon reentering the building, he slipped back into the office and shut the door. He calmly picked up the phone and dialed a number. "Boss, we have a problem... the new girl was killed by Freddy" he smirked as he hung up the phone. Vincent sat down in his chair and propped his feet up on the desk. "Now, I just have to wait for the next one to be hired~" he said mockingly.

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