Part 4

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I made my way into the pizzeria for another night. I shivered slightly looking at the animatronics on stage. I still don't understand exactly what they do if they catch you. I should have listened to the boss more carefully instead of getting lost in my thoughts. The day-shift employees were still straightening up some so I decided to help. I obviously couldn't do it at night like I had previously thought. I'm just happy Vincent was there, even if he was a dick about the whole thing. I carried on casual conversations with my ex-coworkers as I put chairs in their places and helped wipe down tables. I heard a low snicker from behind me and turned to see Vincent walking towards the hall that lead to the security office.

After the employees were done for the day and leaving I followed them to the door, waving at them as they got into their cars to leave. I turned to walk back towards the hall and had to stop myself from colliding with Vincent. "Why did you waste your time helping them?" he grumbled as he locked the doors. "Well, it's only the right thing to do. They have no help with cleaning up this place... which now I understand why the night-shift doesn't-er- can't clean..." I stated. "Well, I think it's pointless" he said mockingly as we both walked into the office. Vincent shut one door while motioning for me to shut the other. "So, Vincent.." I started while taking a seat "What exactly happens if an animatronic get's it's hands on you?". He smirked at me as if he found it endearing that I was clueless about this. "Well, they stuff you into one of the animatronic suits, love" he said, his smirk growing to a grin as he noticed the expression on my face go from curious to horrified. I knew that the inside of the suits were filled with wires and gears. That would be a terrible way to die. I gulped.

"Awe, don't worry. I wont let them kill you" he said smugly. That almost sounded ominous but I shrugged it off. I'm just not use to being around a person as playful and mischievous as him. I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it. Vincent seemed to be the kind of person who liked to get under people's skin. He was also a perv. Maybe he was just blatantly honest and that's what came across as off-putting. He had a sweet side, though. And obviously a good heart or else he would have just let me die last night. He also was very interested in me. He wanted to get to know me. And he cared about the things going on in my life. It was nice and I found myself very quickly feeling close to him. For the rest of our shift we spoke about random things. Him asking me more about myself and me gushing on as usual. I've never had anyone that cared to know in-depth details about my likes and interests.

I looked at the clock which read 2:30. "Vincent.... " I said rather timidly. He cocked an eyebrow and looked at me "Hmmm~?". I loved hearing his voice. It was comforting. "So, I don't know much about you. What kind of things do you like?" finishing my thought. He grinned widely and moved his chair around to face me. "Well, love... I'm pretty simple. I like music, work and...." he trailed off, still grinning. He suddenly grabbed my leg just above my knee and pulled me and my chair close to him. "Sex" he said knowingly. I could feel my face burning up as I tried to scoot my chair back away from him. "Ha ha, now let go!" I said, trying to pretend my face was red from anger instead of the obvious. He slightly bit his lip and began to slowly run his hand up my thigh.*I wonder how far she will let me go, now* I jumped up "KNOCK IT OFF!" I yelled. He let out a low laugh and folded his arms behind his head "You are too easy! It usually takes way more than THAT to make a woman this uncomfortable" he sounded accomplished. I was pretty sure at this point my face was a glowing crimson "Yeah, well-" I was cut off by the sound of something banging on the window beside the door. Vincent stood and hit the hallways lights only to illuminate the chicken animatronic staring at us through the glass.

Vincent let out a displeased sigh and slammed his hand against the hallway light switch to turn it back off. He sat back down in his chair, still facing me. "We both have an off day coming up, do you want to get together and go catch a movie or something?" Vincent asked while looking at the cameras *Fucking prude*. That would be a major change of my from my usual lounging about my house in pajamas, talking to myself and drawing or reading. I didn't know it before but I yearned for human interaction with someone who actually cared about me. "That sounds great! What movie do you want to see?" I asked excitedly. *Porn* "Whatever you want to see~. I just want the chance to get to know you more outside of work" Vincent replied with a charming smile. *I could just beat the shit out of her here and now and take what I want. I'm trying to make this interesting, c'mon you stupid bitch*

The clock read 5:40 and Vincent and I began to gather up our things to go home. I've been thinking about this the entire night and I HAVE to do it now before I lose my courage. I quickly walked over to Vincent and wrapped my arms around his neck "Thank you... for saving my ass last night..." I said, hugging him a bit tighter. Vincent's eyes widened a bit, surprised by this sudden show of emotion. He put his arms around me, resting his hands on the small of my back. "Yeah, just be careful... I don't want those things hurting you" he said in a serious tone. He gazed down at me and patted my head. We pulled apart and continued to gather our things before making sure the animatronics were on stage and we head to the doors. Vincent unlocked the doors, grinning at me before holding a door open for me. "I was wrong about you. You aren't a complete ass" I said, laughing. "You are still a pervert, though". Vincent grinned widely "Well, I can't help it being around someone as incredibly sexy as you~". I rolled my eyes and then headed to my car. *Gotta follow her home today. I have to be careful so she doesn't see me. Even though she's annoyingly stupid this is proving to be more fun than I anticipated*

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