Part 1

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The day started out like any other day. My alarm went off at 5:30 AM and I drug my lazy ass out of bed to get ready for work. I always took my time in the shower, it was my time to relax. Then I would frantically rush to put on my uniform and make sure my name tag was on before rushing out the door. It only took 5 minutes by car to get to Freddy Fazbears Pizza restaurant but me being the procrastinator I am, waited until the very last minute to leave the house. *sigh* Whoa is me for bringing this stress unto myself... I giggled with the thought.

I made it on time as usual and immediately went to work. I need to wipe down the tables, make sure there is no trash on the floor... I don't see anything stuck to the animatronics (such as pizza sauce or a sucker). The other employees and myself scramble to get everything looking presentable for the day ahead. The night shift was no good for this, they never clean. Irresponsible assholes. You would think working at night they wouldn't have anything better to do but whatever, I'm getting paid for this. I have to make due with what I can considering I have bills to pay... Rent, lights, car insurance, gas, house insurance... ugh... never mind, I don't want to think about it. I hear a deep chuckle from the left of me.. I raise my head to see that strange man walking past me with that smile on his face. What is his problem? He is so damn awkward.

Whatever... I just shrug it off as I hear the doors close behind him. Freak. Maybe I'm being too judgmental, I mean... I really don't know anything about him. And I'm sure I seem weird to other people. My mind focus' on the gum I've been trying to scrub off from under the table for a few minutes. When I've finally saved up enough money, I can pay what I need to so I can start college. Since I was 5 I've always wanted to be a professional artist. My parents always told me that I would go nowhere in life just DRAWING. I began to believe them for the longest but I suppose my inner rebel wants to prove them wrong. It's something I love. But since they do not agree with it they have stated they will not support me at all as long as I pursue this career. So, for the past 3 years since high school I have been working and trying to (slowly) save up money to start my adventure. I'm almost there and I'm so excited.

Finally, everything is clean. The other employees and myself have enough time to sit down and enjoy a drink or a small breakfast before customers start coming in. With it being summer, the kids are out of school so it's pretty busy all day. My job isn't that hard. I mean, obviously everyone is going to get pizza, it's just a matter of what toppings they want.. and what drinks. Ok, so table 5 wants extra cheese, pepperoni with bread-sticks and two sprites and one water. Table 8 wants a meat-lovers with anchovies and.... anchovies?! Do we even have that? Ugh, I have to go check with the kitchen staff... If we don't have it I have to go back to the table and hope they easily change their order without giving me any flack. The rest of the day I spend running around and when I'm not busy I watch the children Oooo and Ahhh over the animatronics. I love how happy it makes them. Once I've finished college and have become a successful artist I want to have children. I've already picked out names and everything. I like to plan ahead.

It's 5:30pm! Everyone is slowly leaving the pizzeria. YAS my 12 hour shift is o-v-e-r. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the boss letting me have 12 hour shifts all the time, extra income. But it doesn't change the fact that it is very very very tiring. Our last customer leaves so as usual myself and the other employees start to clean as little as possible in hopes that the night shift will actually be responsible for once. But we all know very well that in the morning we will have to clean everything anyway. Annoyed with this I pick up pizza crusts off the floor. While my head is under a table I can feel someone standing behind me... I kinda don't want to look because people are just not a good time for me. But curiosity and all, I slowly turn my head to see two feet directly behind me. I finish picking up the food from the floor and slowly stand up and turn to see who thought it necessary to be a creeper.

As I turn I realize the person behind me is a tall and intimidating figure. I stand 5 foot 0 and this person must be at least 6 foot 3.Looking straight ahead all I can see is his chest. I glance from left to right and see his well defined arms. Slowly I lift my head to see who in the world would be attempting to have any sort of interaction with me. The person was gazing down at me... he had this... peculiar look in his eyes. A large grin on his face and his hair in a pony-tail. "u---uh... excuse me.." I stammered. He chuckled but did not move. "So, beautiful... What are you doing tomorrow night?". What the hell? Really, did I look that desperate? He was very good looking but it would take a lot more than some cheap line to get my attention. "Defiantly not you" I smirked with my reply. He chuckled and said "too bad~". My eyes went to his name tag and I was able to read his name before he walked away...


Purple Guy Vincent x reader Killer InstinctsWhere stories live. Discover now