Matchmaker (pt 1)

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Gold x Silver

Upon reaching the hotel, Silver already regretted his decision on agreeing to go to Goldenrod City with Gold. What was initially described as a 'great opportunity for bonding time' turned out to be only a ploy from Gold to get Silver to meet his 'perfect match'. Apparently, after successfully matching two of his mutual friends, Gold has gained overly confident on his matchmaking skills and is adamant on making Silver his next target.

'Silver! Come on, lets go!'

'Nope, I am not going out this time.' Silver snarled from behind the door of his bedroom.


Silver couldn't see Gold but he knew he was wearing a pout. His heart skipped a little at that mental image. Gold looks super cute when he pouts.

'It's just going to be like the last time in New Bark. You're gonna lure me to some stupid cafe and you're gonna hook me up me with some random girl and you're gonna leave me and hide behind a shrub or something hoping there will be some chemistry or whatever you're looking for between us. And i'm not falling for that again!'

Despite his rant, Gold seemed unfazed. 'Heh, don't be so grumpy. We are just going to a nightclub. There will be nothing going on. I promise.'

'I don't trust you.' False. Silver would trust Gold with his life. They've been through too much together to not trust each other. In fact, Silver felt a little more for the cheeky guy standing outside his door practically begging him to come out of his room.

Silver opened the door shortly after to see Gold grinning.

'Ha! Knew you'd come out. C'mon, the taxi is already down stairs!'

Seeing that Gold did not point out the fact that Silver was dressed a little casually--baggy jeans, black shirt with a stain at the corner and a pair of dirty sneakers--which he usually would before dragging Silver to meet a girl and asking him to dress up more nicely, he decided that this time Gold wasn't lying and they were just going out to enjoy some fresh night air.

They arrived at the heart of Goldenrod City. Neon lights illuminated the entire streets. The hubbub of the city gave Silver an adrenaline rush and he suddenly regretted dressing so carelessly after seeing that everyone here were all splendidly dressed. Even their accompanying pokemon had on chic accessories like sunglasses (although it was night time), ribbons and scarves. Gold looked great too, he looked under dressed in comparison.

What a way to make an impression, he groaned inwardly.

He followed Gold who was effortlessly trailing through the thick crowd. He must have checked out the location of the night club beforehand. After a while, Gold finally came to a halt in front of a night club called The Fuzzet. Its probably a play on the name of the pokemon Furret, Silver guessed although he wasn't sure. He noticed Gold put on a pair of shades before walking up to the burly bouncer at the door of the club.

'Gold, why the heck would you--'

'Shhh!' Gold hissed at him as he walked right pass the bouncer into the club. Silver noticed the bouncer peering suspiciously at Gold.

'Hold up a minute,' the bouncer held out a hand to block Gold's way, 'you look familiar.' The bouncer said as he glared at Gold.

Gold shrugged before saying solemnly, 'so?' Silver also noticed Gold trying to adopt a different tone, a deeper one with a false Unova accent. He also noticed Gold was acting more matured and cool. Usually in this situation he would just say how the bouncer must have recognized him because he looked like a movie star or something.

Some murmurs rang out from behind them, and Silver noticed there was a queue forming behind them. Gold noticed it too, seeing the chance he said, 'Well, are you going to let me in? There are people waiting.'

They entered the club and Gold took off his sunglasses immediately. He grinned at Silver saying, 'I'm a great actor aren't I?'

Silver rolled his eyes but smiled. This was the Gold he knew. And liked--no, loved.

'Why did you have to do that?'

Gold widened his eyes, 'Don't you remember? I got kicked out of here once.' Seeing Silver's confused face he continued, 'Remember that one time I came with that blondie?'

Suddenly Silver remembered and he had to try his best to press down his feelings of envy that was bubbling inside of him already. The girl was someone Gold dated once. He disliked her a lot, but only because he was jealous of her...

'Yeah, I came with that girl. I don't remember her name already, oops!' Gold giggled and Silver felt two things at once: relieved that she didn't meant anything to Gold in the first place and his heart melting because he love Gold's laugh.

'But yeah I got kicked out because I hated the song the DJ was playing so I went up the stage to spin some songs myself,' Gold said as he erupted into fits of laughter. 'I don't know why he was so mad though, the crowd seemed to prefer my songs better.' Silver rolled his eyes but couldn't contain the smile that was slowly forming on his face.

'Anyways, I'm gonna go over to the dance floor!'

Just like that, he was gone. Lost in the midst of sweaty people, laser lights and pulsating beats that bounced of the walls. Something tells Silver he should follow him, go follow his love, his crush for the longest time. He loves Gold's infectious enthusiasm, his penchant for pranks, his bright smile, his courage, his kindness, everything. 

Alas, he wasn't a dancer, and he looked so out of place, he didn't dare go near the dance floor where he was sure he would most definitely be the center of attention, for his ugly fashion taste if anything.

His thoughts were distracted by a girl with bright pink hair who accidentally knocked into him.

'Sorry! You okay?' She had to shout over the noise. She looked up with a startled expression that turned into a bright smile.

Silver was startled too.


'Silver, hey!' She gave Silver a tight hug. She pulled back and saw his still shocked expression.

'What? This is my city after all,' she had to practically yell. Silver frowned slightly, he couldn't hear what Whitney was trying to say.

She grabbed him by the hand and pulled him towards the bar which was further away from the speakers that dominated the club. There, they found two empty bar stools and Whitney hopped onto one and signaled the bartender to give her a drink.

'Want a drink?' She asked, turning to look at Silver. 'I can get you one for free,' she winked, 'perks of being the gym leader of this city.' Silver politely declined and sat next to her.

'Thanks,' she said smiling sweetly at the bartender who gave her a playful wink back. She gulped down the drink and looked at Silver who was fidgeting uncomfortably in his seat.

'So how's Feraligatr?' Whitney asked, attempting small talk.

'Oh, he's doing fine. How bout your Miltank?'

'Doing great, scaring off trainers as usual.'

'Business as usual then?'

'Yeah,' she let out a laugh. They then launched into a short conversation, catching up on each other's lives.

'You're not that into clubs?' Whitney said after a while, seeing that Silver has just sat there uncomfortably for the entire duration of their conversation.

'Yeah, Gold was the one that brought me here.'

Whitney widened her eyes, 'you came here with Gold?'

'Yeah...' Silver furrowed his eyebrows slightly. Why would this come as a shock to her? Unless...

'Have you seen him? He was actually the one that told me to come here.'
Silver was momentarily caught off guard. Gold told Whitney to come? Wait that means...

This is a set up.

Of course.

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