Writer's Note

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Finally ceritanya selesai ditengah-tengah sibuknya ngerjain letter Corporate Care yang nggak ada abisnya, dan kodingan Streamserve yang njelimet mampus. Aku seperti menemukan oase that keeping me alive, yaitu nulis cerita ini *yaelah lebay**. Sampe selalu nggak sabar pulang ke rumah serta weekend/hari libur untuk nulis. Buat yang udah baca dan make favorite cerita ini, THANKS A LOT! :* :* :*
Please make favorite kalo kamu suka ceritanya yaa hehe. Kalo mau bahas boleh juga leave comment. Thanks. ;)

Okay, this is just a personal soundtrack list that i think perfectly fit for Adrie & Emir :

1. The More You Ignore Me The Closer I Get - Morrisey (oh, helloooowww... The title explains everything on this story! Enough said. It was the first song they listened together in Emir's car, and he told her so! :P)

2. The Mayfly and The Light - Breakbot (give your heart a moment to feel what i'm about, give your heart a moment to feel that i'm feeling left out.. You said goodnight and walked away and i pray you turned around.. Can't the lyric explain more?)

3. Sejujurnya - Vina Panduwinata (duh ini ibu-ibu banget ya lagunya kedengerannya hahaha. Padahal nggak juga kok hehe, pardon me for having lame music taste ;p)

4. Baby I'm Yours - Breakbot (Your wish is my command, baby won't you understand, what can i do to make my baby understand? Oh, this is the typical of clueless Emir to get closer to Adrie)

5. I Guess It's Gonna Rain Today - Sondre Lerche (ah tentang ketidakpastian, dan menaruh kepercayaan. Ya gitu deh. *apasih*)

6. Who's Thinking About You Now - Jason Mraz (yes maam, yes maam, yes maam, i am thinking about you)

7. It's Been A Year - Greg Laswell

8. Loving You - Michael Jackson

9. No Other Plans - Sunny Levine

10. Konservatif - The Adams

Hi, cuma mau nambahin.. untuk playlist lagu cerita ini kamu bisa cek di 8tracks akun aku "aqessaninda" atau link berikut: http://8tracks.com/aqessaninda/runaway-from-you-playlist

Runaway From YouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang