I was going to be so late.
"POPPY!" my mother screamed up the stairs to me. "I'M TRYING TO HURRY MOM!" I screamed back down jumping on my suitcase trying to close it. "Shhhhhhh........ugar" i was about to say something worse until I remembered my little sister Annie playing mermaids in my en-suite. "You aren't supposed to say bad words Poopy" my 9 year old sister said without turning around. "I didn't say anything bad Annie.Shut up and just help me ok?" I replied still trying to cram another pair of Converse into my suitcase."Ok." she said skipping over to me and opening my suitcase. I turned around to my dresser and started throwing make-up tubs and bottles into my vanity case. I emptied out my school pencil case which was sitting on my desk and started cramming my make-up brushes and a few kohl pencils into it. "Done" said my sister going back into the bathroom. I looked at my now closed suitcase and opened it seeing all of my clothes folded neatly and shoes placed so there was enough room for my vanity and pencil case. "What the..." I asked her. "I'm magic" she smiled sweetly before turning to the sink again. I knew only too well she would be expecting a payment of some sort for her help later on."POPPY I AM IN THE CAR!" my mother roared up the stairs."AND I AM COMING!" I roared back down. I threw on my denim waistcoat over my embelished Rolling Stones tee. I grabbed my sky blue Vans and decided to put them and my make-up on in the car.(http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=81201243)
My mother and I have had a love/hate relationship since my Dad left. She blamed me and I blamed her. Annie, the only sane one of us , blamed my father. I changed my life once my father left and I'm extremley happy I did. I was once a goody two-shoes little girl all rainbows and unicorns.When I was 13 my brother died in a freak car accident and I changed. I changed my friends, my hair, my make-up , my attitude. Because of this so did the rest of my life. My relationship with my parents, my grades, peoples expectations of me. I was a little rebel. I lost my virginity to a boy named Grant aged 14 and was hospitalized twice. Once to get my stomach pumped because of drinking alcohol and once for attempted suicide. That was all in the space of 12 months. That was also the same space of time it took my father to fall in love with another woman named Darcy and leave my mom. He said it was because she never paid him any atention and my mother blamed me. I just stated that she was the one he left. So now my mom and I never really talk. My only conversation with her yesterday was "I need the laptop when your'e finished" and "Thanks mom,dinner was delicious as always" as I threw my microwave dinner dish in the trash and scraped the mess out onto a plate. So yeah, not a great atmosphere at home.Luckily though, I have Annie. I always tease her but i f she wasn't actually there I don't know what I'd do. So I turned around and scooped her into a bone-crushing hug. "I'm gonna miss you Jelly Bean" i whispered into her hair. "I know, who wouldn't? " she said. Way to ruin a cute momen Annie.I put her down and ruffled her hair just a little hurt she didn't care I was moving state for a FULL YEAR. "Now Poppy, I'll wire you $980 every month ok? You have to earn the rest." my mother said. "Thanks mom" I said overcome with emotion standing at Gate 56 waiting for my flight. I almost hugged the woman.Almost."Just try not to spend it all ok ?" "Yes mom" "Flight 67 now boarding" said the announcer. I straightened out my waistcoat and checked my hair in the nearby shop mirror. "Ok I'm gonna go now. Try and get a good seat" "Ok" said my sister not looking up from her Nintendo. I turned to go and felt two long slender arms wrap around me. "I love you so much Poppy" my mother said into my hair."I know I don't always show it but I really do" I nearly started crying and I wasn't one for tears. "I know Mom. I love you too" She sighed happily into me and then backed away, her face applying the usual blank mask. "Now go before you miss your flight" I waved and ruffled Annie's hair in passing. Bye guys! See you in a year!" I said. I walked trailing my suitcase behind me and carrying my Vans backpack on my shoulders.Someone came uo behind me and squeezed my waist and I knew right away it was Annie. "I-I-I'm going to m-m-miss you so much!" my little sister said between sobs. I put down my suitcase and picked her up into a hug. "Me too Jelly Bean, me too " I said muffled by her hair."Your'e going to miss yourself? " she said giggling wiping her tears away "No I'm going to miss you and I'm going to miss Pepper and Salt. But I'm also going to miss Mom so you have to take care of her ok?" I asked her "Your also going to miss the plane" my sister said lowering herself and giving me one last kiss on the cheek. "Shit!" I said " Gotta go jelly bean! I love you" I shouted over my shoulder. The last thing I heard was her shouting "Watch your language!" Oh the joys of having a little sister

Over Again (*On Hiatus*)
FanfictionPoppy Granger doesn't trust the male species.Her brother leaves her, Dad leaves her Mom and her male best friend betrays her in the worst way possible. So when Poppy moves to New York for a year and meets the biggest boy band in the world, will she...