**Niall's P.O.V**
She kissed my hand and walked away to the kitchen crying silently.
What the hell was that about?
Here I was, really falling for a girl I just met two hours ago and thinking she has the same kinda feelings for me. Why am I always so wrong about girls?
But she kissed you a little voice in my head says. Oh my holy Nandos.... The Kiss. It was amazing. She ran away with my phone and I ran after her grabbing her around the waist to stop her from entering her room and she just smashes her lips to mine. She was so daring and spontaneous. And a flamin' hot kisser too. I just pulled her closer and she obliged throwing her arms around my neck and letting our tongues meet.It was just........ wow.
And then she pulled away and I confessed everything I felt about her.
I usually like getting to know a girl before commiting myself to anything serious but here I was, asking a girl I'd known for TWO HOURS to be my girlfriend. And she turned me down. I'm absolutely gutted.She started explaining to me about how shes' messed up and how she'll end up hurting me but Poppy....... I dunno. She's just different to all the other girls I've ever had feelings for.
I don't care if she hurts me.
If it means I get to spend time with her without it being awkward and hopefully get to kiss her again she can hurt me all she likes.
She can hurt me if she loves me back.
**Poppy's P.O.V**
Crap. That was an intense scene back there.
Dangnabbit Niall why do you have to be so nice about it all.
I walked away from him, wiping the tears I hadn't felt fall away with the back of my hand.
Crying.I hate it.Like, I despise it. It's like concrete(well watery concrete) evidence that your'e not strong.Like you are weak.
No one should know I'm weak.
Grant knew I was weak and used it against me.
No.Why do I always ruin everything by thinking about Grant? The Kiss is a perfect example.
After I walked away I saw him in the full length mirror at the top of the hall running a large hand through his fluffy blonde hair and I swear he was crying.
I retreated back to the kitchen and reached for the wooden spoon to stir the now ready mince and spagetti. I turned off the heat on the mince and added a jar of bolognese sauce.
I turned to retrive plates and found Niall standing looking at me.
"Poppy, I promised May I'd help and I don't want things to be awkward between us ok? I really like you and I'm sorry for springing it all on you so quickly, but if you ever feel that way about me please Poppy, please tell me?"
I walked slowly over to him and rested my head in the crrok of his neck where it fitted perfectly and whispered to him
"I feel the same. But I'm going to hurt you whether I mean to or not " I took a step back from him and took the seven plates from his hands but before I could turn he grabbed my wist and looked into my eyes
"Please Poppy, I just radiate towards you. I can't control it. Please? We can just take it slowly?"
"Slow?" I asked him
"Yes slow. We aren't a couple yet, we just enjoy eachothers company and we like to share some more of them kisses" he said that jerking his head towards the hall and I felt my cheeks redden.

Over Again (*On Hiatus*)
FanfictionPoppy Granger doesn't trust the male species.Her brother leaves her, Dad leaves her Mom and her male best friend betrays her in the worst way possible. So when Poppy moves to New York for a year and meets the biggest boy band in the world, will she...