**Poppy's P.O.V**
"Umm, Poppy? The mince is burning" said Niall, hitting my hip with his own
"Huh?" I asked looking down at my hip
"The mince. It's burning" he reached across me to turn off the cooker and I caught a whiff of his colonge. Damn. That was some nice colonge.It was peppery but a little citrusy also. Whatever it was it damn-well suited him.
"Oh. Sorry Niall. I got um..... distracted?" I said to him embarassed
"It's allright. Just keep stirring the spagetti" he ordered handing me a wooden spoon
"Oh! Getting bossy now are we?" I joked hitting him lightly on the bum. WHAT? Poppy what are you doing you crazy frog? He chuckled like he didn't mind a perfect stranger slapping him on his bottom with a cooking utensil.
"AHEM!" someone shouted. We raised our heads from the spagetti and looked up at Louis........ who was still wearing my bra.But now it was around his non-existent boobs.
"When you two are quite done with this S&M stuff , the boys, May and myself will be waiting for dinner in the dining room" he said with a wink exiting the kitchen area
"Poppy?The boys think I'm going out with you" he said with a small smile looking down at the spagetti after putting his phone down beside him on the counter
"Really? But you've been with me the whole time? You weren't talking to them?" I questioned him
"Yeah, umm they've been messaging me" he said looking towards his phone that was sitting on the counter
"Oh. Ok. Can I see what they said ?" I asked drying my hands on a towel.
""No way" he answered. "They think I'm already sleeping with you" he said with a chuckle.
I stepped behind him and grabbed the phone off the counter and ran.
"Poppy? What the hell are you doing? Get back here and stir the spagetti!" he shouted after me
I ran in my fluffy socks, down the two kitchen steps into the hall and legged it to the far end. Just as I was about to round the corner at the end of the hall to my room, I felt two large,warm hands wrap around my waist.
I spun around to collide with Niall's hard chest.I could only think about how warm he was and how his hands fitted perfectly over my hips.Like two puzzle pieces slotting into one another.
I looked up at him only to find him staring down at me. I crashed my lips to his in a moment of madness and kissed him with all my might.My arms flung themselves around his neck bringing him closer to me. He responded immedietley, moving his lips in time with mine. He turned his head slightly to the left and I did the same to the right to make it easier. He ran his tongue over my bottom lip asking for entry to my mouth.I obliged letting our tongues move in harmony with one another.His hands tightened around my waist pulling me in closer so I was squished against his strong,warm chest and was able to feel his steady heartbeat. I flicked my tongue over his teeth, quickening his heart.And mine.
Grant made you feel like this.
No. No no no no no! I pulled away quickly only to find a stunned Niall looking down at me.
"Poppy what's wrong love? I'm sorry? I thought this was what you wanted?" he asked me worried
Oh Niall. You'll never understand my messed up state. I sighed and put my palm against his cheek.
"I really like you Niall. I just.... I just don't know if it's good for me to like you" I said looking into his eyes
"What? Poppy if you like me and I like you what's the problem?" he asked his blue eyes searching my face for an answer
Oh Niall, don't do this.
"I'm messed up Niall" I said looking down at my stripy bedsocks. "Like really messed up. I ruined my life and my parents' lives a couple of years ago and I don't want to ruin yours too" I said tears wetting my eyes
"Poppy" he said softly, placing his large smooth palm against my cheek so his thumb was nearly touching the corner of my eye.
"I really like you and I don't care about all this stuff you've got going on ok?We can work through it together. I like you, really like you. And I really want to be with you.I won't hurt you Poppy, I promise if you just give me a chance" he was begging me now his beautiful eyes wide and pleading.
I leant into his palm and turned my head to kiss it.
"I'll end up hurting you Niall" I whispered loud enough for him to hear and walked back to the kitchen to finish the spagetti

Over Again (*On Hiatus*)
FanfictionPoppy Granger doesn't trust the male species.Her brother leaves her, Dad leaves her Mom and her male best friend betrays her in the worst way possible. So when Poppy moves to New York for a year and meets the biggest boy band in the world, will she...