***Poppy's P.O.V***
Shit I was scared.
Niall now knew about Grant AND he saw one of my scars.
He was so gentle and traced it lightly before I offered to tell him.
Damn that was hard to say.
"I can tell you if you like?"
He was going to freak out. I knew it.
He was going to leave me for another girl named Brittany with bleach-blond hair and fake lips and fake nails and fake boobs and a fake bum and worst of all she would have a fake personality. He would only want her because of her body but that was only because she wasn't educated enough to have a decent conversation with. But at least she wouldn't be scarred.
Her long, fake tanned body would be flawless and so would her memories.
Unlike mine.
Unlike my milky skin with it's physical scars and my messed-up mind with dark,dark memories hidden at the very back corners and locked up with heavy metal chains and a strong padlocks.
Just so they couldn't be unleashed.
And now I was terrified because in a matter of hours he would learn all about these dark memories and all about these scars that I carried.
"Niall, can I tell you about Grant later?" I asked into his chest while he was sitting up, resting against the headboard
"Poppy, I'll wait until you're ready to tell me ok? Take all the time you need"
God, he was perfect.
I smashed my lips to his and moved myself so I was straddling him, with either of my knees at either of his hips.
His hands slipped to my waist, just resting atop my hips as he swiped his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entry. I denied it to him and smiled into the kiss before he sharply slapped my bum. I gasped and his tongue slid in dancing with my own. He pulled away to breathe and looked into my eyes before dipping his head to the dip my collarbone made, and sucked gently before nipping the skin.
"Mine" he murmured as he marked me
He flipped me under him in one swift move and lay above me looking again into my eyes before crashing his lips to my own. His lips were soft and rough at the same time. They were firm but his kisses were full of want and passion. Like he loved my kisses. His kisses were perfect.
He rolled his hips against mine and I moaned quietly into his mouth making him smirk. My hand knotted at the nape of his neck, where his hairline met his neck. I pulled him back and smiled at him before he slid down my body ever so slightly and started peppering kisses along my chest area.
I moaned again making him raise his head and give me a smug smirk.
Danm my raging teenage hormones..
I sat up and slid my hands down his chest and abs making him close his eyes in pleasure, and grabbed the hem of his shirt making to take it off.
"Poppy, no" he sighed lying back on the bed
"We're not having sex. At least not yet" he stated running a hand through his hair and lying back on the bed
I let my lips slide into a pout "Why not Niall?" I asked him
"Because Poppy, I met you yesterday and that's not how I was raised" he said "I'm gonna do this the right way. Start dating you and taking you out to dinner, then we'll talk afterwards and then we can have sex if I have'nt married you by then" he trailed off smiling
He wanted to marry me?
Bit fast Niall.
"How come you get to make all the decisions huh Niall?" I asked poking him in the chest
"Because Poppy, I'm trying to be a gentleman"
"What if I don't want a gentleman Niall? What if I want you to ravish me, right here on this bed right now, and I'm screaming "TAKE ME NIALL HORAN!" at you with nothing but the radio on?" I asked throwing myself back on the bed in a dramatic fashion
"Would you ignore my pleas Mr. Horan?" I asked him in a British voice
"What is wrong with you Poppy Granger!" he screamed at me pissing himself laughing at my attempts of seduction
I blushed furiously and turned into the duvet
"Hey,Poppy" he said trying to turn me over and after noting my reluctance he moved himself down to lie beside me and tried to turn me again. This time I didn't deny him turning me over.
"Hmm?" I asked snuggling into his chest
"You have no idea how hard it is for me not to ravish you every minute since I met you" he used his index finger to tilt my chin up so I met his eyes
"Sometimes I think that you try to be sexy on purpose ya know?" he said chuckling
"You have no idea how beautiful you are and I'm happy because it means that I can compliment you every day to make you realise how beautiful you really are"
"You are the cutest thing I have ever seen" he said as he pinched my cheeks slightly as I blushed brighter if that was even possible
"I groaned into the duvet and he planted a kiss on the back of my neck before leaving the room
"We're leaving in an hour!" I heard Louis screech as Niall opened the door and left.

Over Again (*On Hiatus*)
FanfictionPoppy Granger doesn't trust the male species.Her brother leaves her, Dad leaves her Mom and her male best friend betrays her in the worst way possible. So when Poppy moves to New York for a year and meets the biggest boy band in the world, will she...