Chapter 48

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When we pulled up to the club it was packed, Nick held my hand and escorted me in. Once inside, we saw in one of the side things all of our friends. We walked up and saw everyone dancing, drinking, singing, and just having a great time.

Nick left me with the group and went to get our drinks. I saw Kelly and the group so I walked over to them and joined in the conversation. A few moments later somebody came up behind me and gave me a hug. I turned to see it was Nick and he had my drink. I took it from him and drank it quickly before grabbing Kelly and Nattie’s hands and dragging them to the dance floor. 

We made our way to the middle of the floor and danced together for a few songs before Ted and Phil came up to take the girls to dance with them. I stood in the middle alone for a moment before I decided to look for Nick, he was talking to some chick at the bar so I decided to dance a while longer before going and getting a few more drinks.

I danced with a few guys, nothing bad since Randy never left my mind, and headed over to the bar. I ordered 2 shots and drank those quickly. I could feel the alcohol start to have an effect on my body and knew I needed to drink some water in between the next few drinks. I ordered my water and walked back over to the huge group.

 I sat down next to Eve and Alicia and watched the crowd. Cody was with this beautiful girl, Nat and Ted, Phil and Kelz, and all the other pairs dancing together or talking or drinking just letting loose tonight. I looked to my right and saw Nick sitting with Bryan Danielson, and Zack. I finished my water and feeling better got back up to dance a bit.

I locked eyes with Nick as I went to the dance floor and he followed me there. When we made it to the middle of the floor I spun around and set my hand on his chest.

“Fancy meeting you here stranger,’ I said with a wink. Nick answered with a quick chuckle. We danced together for a few songs before he told me he was going to get us another drink. I nodded and told him I would stay there and with an okay he left and I continued dancing.

It took a few songs before I felt him behind me dancing again, I smiled and turned around to laugh at him, yet when I turned around it wasn’t him who stood there looking at me.

There was this really muscular guy who was wearing a tight black t shirt and some jeans. He smiled and my heart stopped, this definitely isn’t Nick or anyone I know.

“Hey cutie,’ he said with a wink.

“Hey sorry, I’m here with someone and I need to find him.”

I started to walk away when he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him. He leaned down to speak into my ear.

“Just because you showed up with someone doesn’t mean you are leaving with them.” The feeling of fright shot through me and I subtly looked around for Nick or anyone but they were all talking and Nick wasn’t in sight. I knew I had to try and get away because the only person on my mind still was Randy.

I elbowed him in the stomach which caught the man by surprise so he let go of my hand and I started to get back through the crowd. I was almost to the edge of the dance floor when a hand pulled me back roughly and I knew it still wasn’t Nick.

“Nice try, sweetheart,” The disgusting excuse for a man said as his hand traced up my thigh and got closer to the edge of my already high skirt.

“Let me go now!” He chuckled and went to respond when I heard Nick’s voice.

“The lady said let her go, I suggest you do.” The guy smirked and just pushed me to the side, never letting go.

“What did you say pretty boy?”

A RKO love story: The beginningWhere stories live. Discover now