Chapter 49

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When we all got up the next day Randy helped Nick get up and get ready since we all went out for breakfast. We were all signed to Raw so we had a house show tomorrow night in Birmingham, AL. After breakfast we went to a local museum for a while and just hung out. We called Alicia, Cody plus the girl he met last night named Ashley, and the rest of our group (Phil, Kellz, Nat, Ted)

We all hung out together in a huge group and I held Nick’s hand all day and set my head on his shoulder constantly. Whenever I was alone with Randy I would send a wink his way before rolling my eyes and walking away.

We all had dinner together at some sushi restaurant before going our separate ways back at the hotel. Nick and I went to his room, while Randy went to his own. I had just put a movie in when I got a call from Randy.

“Hey, babe!”

“Hey what are you doing?” He asked

“Just watching a movie with Nick, Why?”

“No reason.”

“I can tell there is something you aren’t telling me.” I accused

“Well, when I got to my room there was a note from AJ. Needless to say she might have caught onto us. We need to be a lot more careful okay?”

“I thought she was picking up on us. But okay I’m fine with that.”

“I knew you would be, it just sucks that we can’t actually be together for another 3 or so months. Why can’t WrestleMania get here quicker?”

“It will get here when it gets here, be patient you weirdo. Now the movie is starting I Love You.”

“I love you too; make sure Nick doesn’t pull any funny business.” We both chuckled at how crazy the thought was since Nick was in no condition for messing around.

“Sure, love you Randy with all of my heart. I’ll talk to you soon.”

“Love you too” He responded

And with that I hung up and cuddled into Nick and we watched Tangled, aka my new found favorite Disney movie.

When I woke up the next morning Nick was still sleeping. I got up went back to my room and started to pack when I got a call from Nick.

“Where the hell are you?”

“I’m in my room the bus leaves in an hour or so; I needed to repack.”

He let out a breath and I could tell he completely relaxed. “My God, I thought I lost you and I just knew I wouldn’t be able to find you that Randy would kill me.”

We shared a laugh before agreeing to meet on the bus in 30 minutes. We hung up and got ready before meeting when and where we said we would.

With the 30 minutes before the bus left we went to the local souvenir shop and bought a few things. We got to the bus in time to make sure it was okay that I rode with the guys so I could sit with Nick.

Kelly and Nat were also riding with the guys so I knew it was going to be a great ride, besides the fact I have to see Randy the entire time and can’t say anything to him.

We left on time and halfway I got a text from Hunter.

Hunter: Kaity, someone knows about you and Randy. We are changing your story line, you now have to be seen with Randy flirting and trying to get on his good side for the match. Aj will as we know be doing the same. When someone asks about how quickly you switched from Nick to Randy, just tell them that Nick wasn’t the man you wanted, he was too much like your brother. Clear?

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