Thank You

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  • Dedicated to Everybody who has read the book :)

This isn't a chapter, it is just my thank you to all of you! 

Thanks to the readers who have stuck with this from the beginning and had to withstand all of the long breaks in between chapters! 

Thank you to all of you who have voted and commented and spent time to read my story! That alone has made such an impact on my life!

Thank you to all of you, if it wouldn't have been for you i mostlikely never would have finished this story!

So this one is for all of you 

BTW i am planning a sequel to this, however don't expect it anytime in the near future! It is still just a thought in my mind

once again Thank you to all I love each and everyone of you. Never forget that!

For the last time in this book

Love, Rocketships, and Butterfly kisses,


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