Ch#16 May the best man win

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    I was led to the car which is a sleek black Chevrolet corvette- one of the best and fastest cars. I didn't expect any less from the billionaire playboy. He doesn't attempt to open my door and I didn't care because it was not a date. I hop inside car and slide on to the passenger's seat while he sits in the drivers and we take off. The ride is filled with awkward silence which none of us broke. I was kind of glad but nervous. I haven't done anything like this before, let alone bet on something like this. We stop in front of a club with a black signboard written 'The Hoven'.
    "Ready to lose, princess?" he asks with a smirk and a raised eyebrow, breaking me from my thoughts.
    "Huh? In your dreams, jerk," I reply.
    "Ooh, getting defensive are we?" he says.
    "I really can't believe any one can be as arrogant as you," I say. "Let's just get this over with."
    "So eager to lose, princess. May the best man win," he says and steps out of the car. I follow him.
    At the entrance of the club, there is a well-built bouncer who allows us in after giving us the club bands. It is just as I imagined- dark with dim lights all around, music playing, people dancing on the dance floor, an open bar , and a VIP section all the shebang.
    "I'll see you in a few," he says over his shoulder and made his way to the dance floor breaking me out of my trance.
    I go to the restroom and fix my hair while placing my coat on the coat rack. I was ready to get the show on the road. I make my way to the bar, swaying my hips when I was stopped by a husky voice.
    "Hey gorgeous, " as soon as I recognised the voice, I smirk, jumping inside. I turn around while flipping my hair. There stood Xavier with a sexy smirk which drops as soon as he registered who I was.
    "What? Cat got your tongue?" I say and return a smirk.
    "It's you..." he states, shocked with his jaw open.
    "Yes, honey close your mouth or you'll get flies," I reply confidentially.
    "Chao," I call out and go to sit at the bar.
    "Hey, what can I get you," the bar tender asks. He is young, in his early twenties with blonde hair and a strong but lean frame.
    "Hi, I'd like a fruit cocktail non-alcoholic," I reply, flirtatiously/ I need all the numbers I can get.
    "Coming right up," he replies and comes back with my drink and a number on the napkin. SCORE! I scream in my head.
    "What is a pretty lady like you doing here sitting unattended?" a voice spoke from my left. I look at him and he was in a suit which fit him perfectly.
    "I'm John," he greets, bringing his hand out for a shake.
    "Hi, I'm Sarah," I reply. I can't say my real name to every guy I come across with. I shake his hand.
    "So," he begins. "What's up?"
    "Nothing really, just enjoying a drink," I say.
    "Maybe you wanna get out of here and get dinner or something," he asks, hopeful. He looks like a nice guy and if it wasn't in these circumstances, I might have said yes.
    "Maybe some other time for some coffee," I say and pass him my phone.
    "Sure," he replies and typed in his number and walks away when he was called by another guy. The next couple of hours pass by and I receive several numbers. I was now sitting at the bar, tired ,when a guy approaches me.
    "Hey girlie, wanna get away from here?" he asks me and looks kind of scary. He reeks of alcohol and might even be drunk. He tries grabbing my arm.
    "Let go and leave me alone," I state firmly.
    "What if I don't?" he replies and takes my arm.
    "Let me go!" I whimper.
    "The lady said let her go," a voice speaks.
    "And who the hell are you?" the man asks.
    "Her boyfriend," the voice replies.
    "Oh fine, she wasn't that good any way," he says and leaves.
    "What are you doing here alone? " Shawn asks, worry laced in his voice.
    "Well I came here with Xavier and-"I begin but he cuts me off.
    "What? And he left you alone. What If I hadn't come? Do you know what could have happened?" he questions. Just then, Xavier arrives and looks angry when he spots me with Shawn.
    "What are you doing here, Shawn?" he asks, fuming.
    "You should be glad I'm here, do you know what could have happened if I didn't come? Do you have a brain? I guess not because you left her alone here, at a club," Shawn barks.
    "What? What happened?" he blurts. It was getting heated with so much testosterone in one room and it is getting a little too much for me. I step in between them.
    "Guys, guys. It's alright. I'm fine," I try my best to assure them.
    "Go to hell and don't come back," Shawn says, still angry at Xavier for leaving me alone.
    "I'm fine really," I say again. "We should go, I'm tired."
    "Fine" both of them say in unison. "I'll take her."
    "I'll take her, she came with me," Xavier says, jaw clenched. He seems possessive. Shawn looks at me for my answer.
    "I'll go with him and I'll see you tomorrow," I say to Shawn and leave with Xavier. We make our way to the car when I get a phone call. It is Tori and soon as I pick up, she responds immediately.
    "What's the verdict?" she asks, excited.
    "Don't know yet, we haven't tallied," I reply.
    "Well, hurry up and let me know," she responds. By then, we were already in the car.
    "Okay," I say and hang up. Xavier and I sit silently for a while and come to a stop at a dinner. "What are we doing here?"
    "I'm hungry, you must be too. We'll count inside," he says. Before I could reply, my stomach growls and he laughs. His voice is really attractive. I suddenly realize I need to get a grip of myself. We enter the diner and occupy a booth in the corner. A woman in her forties came to take our order.
    "Hey kids, you ready to order?" she asks with a smile plastered on to her face.
    " Yeah," I reply. I order what a girl got to eat. "I'd like a cheese burger with a strawberry shake."
    "I'll have a double cheese burger and a chocolate shake," Xavier says.
    "I'll be right back," she says and leaves.
    "So, let's get down to business," Xavier says, rubbing his hands in anticipation. He hands his phone and a couple of napkins to me while I just look at him mentally asking 'what are you doing?'
    "You count mine and I'll count yours," he replies, answering my questioning look.
    I hesitantly give him my phone along with the napkins from my purse. We were just done counting when our food arrives and I was starving so I quickly took my burger and start to devour it while he just sits there with an amused look on his face. I look up when I feel someone staring at me.
    "What?" I ask.
    "Nothing," he replies, breaking his gaze. "So what is the result?"
    "Let's say them together," I offer.
    "Okay, one...two...three," he counts.
    I sit there, shocked because I have lost. What am I going to do? What will he make me do?

Author's Note :
Oooo cliffhanger.
DUN DUN DUN ....She lost ...OMG ....WHAT will Xavier make her do? how could she have lost?


Pic on the slide Xavier's chevrolet corvette. ..


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