Ch#17 Lost bet

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    "Hello?" I ask sleepily, rubbing my eyes in process. The phone had rung and I woke up to answer it.
    "Where the hell are you? We have been waiting for the past half an hour!" Tori yells through the phone. I look at the time and it was late. I over slept and since it is a Saturday, us girls had to meet up at the mall.
    "I overslept! I'll be there soon!" I say in a hurry and shut the phone before Tori could yell at me anymore.
    I quickly did my business and decide on a purple top with jeans and some flip flops. After I was done, I rush out of the house. Twenty minutes later I stand in front of the mall, ready to enter. I see the girls standing in a corner I make my way to them.
    "Sorry, sorry, sorry!" I say before they can scold me for being late.
    "It's fine but you so owe us yesterday's details," Tori says with a smirk.
    "Yeah, yeah," I reply. We go inside and sit in Starbucks after placing our orders.
    "Spill" Tori exclaims. I tell the girls everything that happened yesterday. From the shocked expression of Xavier when he saw me with the sleazy man at the bar to the dinner at the diner which causes me to remember that I have to do something now that I had lost the bet.
"Well we'll well, it seems that our princess here has lost the bet," Xavier smirked cockily. Before I could say anything, he continued. "Come on, let's go."
I quietly sat in the car when he dropped me off home. I was about to get out of the car when he grasped my hand and prevented me from leaving. I tried my best to resist, but he had a firm grip on my wrist so I stopped.
"I'll let you know your 'punishment ' tomorrow ," he said with a wink and finally let go.
    "I can't believe you lost," Tori exclaims apologetically with a sympathetic smile while Jess nods.
    "Yeah, we can't do anything about it now," I say.
    "Did he tell you what do you have to do?" Jess asks.
    "No! He said he'll tell me today," I say and shudder at the thought of having to do something for Xavier. After a while we went our ways, I go to see my brother. When I arrive, I greet the nurse. "Hi Nurse Brenda!"
    "Hi honey," she replies.
    I enter my brother's room and kiss his head. I then proceed to sit next to his bed and hold his hand in mine. Giving it a squeeze, I tell him everything that happened in the past few days. I talk about the bet and other events. After sitting there for over an hour, I leave and meet his doctor who informs me that he's doing better than before and we could see drastic change in the next few days to months which makes me giddy and I couldn't help but smile. After the hospital, I go to visit my parents.
    "Hi mom, hi dad," I greet them. I tell them about Josh's condition and that he has improved. I also talk about how much I miss them.
"Sis, wake up, wake up," my brother jumped up and down on the bed excitedly.
"Ughh...go away, let me sleep," I grumbled to tried to make my annoying brother go away.
"But it's you birthday!" he pouted. That made me woke up with a jolt. It's my fifteenth birthday. "Mom made chocolate chip pancakes, bacon and waffles! Hurry up, I'm hungry and she wouldn't let me eat without you."
"I'm coming, I'm coming," I muttered and got dressed.
"Happy birthday honey," Mom said and kissed my head.
"Happy birthday panda," my dad said and swung me around.
"Dad put me down I'm not a little girl," I said while giggling.
"You'll always be my little girl" he replied. He hands me a long box which was packed with small panda wrapping paper. "Here's your present!"
"Wow!" I said when I saw the pretty bracelet. It was silver with sapphire stones with Jenny written on it which is my middle name that I got from my Grammy. I jumped on my dad and hugged him, squeezing the life out of him.
    I try to remember where I put my bracelet, but it was no use. I thought I had it with me this whole time.
    "Oh my god I lost it...I lost my most precious possession," I start crying again.
    After I while, I calm down and decide to try looking for it at home. I got up, seeing it was almost dark and begin to head home. Once I reach, I change in to my panda jammies and lay on the bed. I was about to fall asleep when my phone rang.
    "Hello?" I say, without checking the caller ID.
    "Open your window," the voice says and I hear a knock. Not wanting to wake up the rest of the house, I quickly open the window and in jumped Xavier.
    "What the hell are you doing here?" I whisper yell.
    "I came to tell you what you have to do for me," he replies.
    "Couldn't this wait till morning? You really had to come in the middle of the night?" I snap and he just shrugs. "Just tell me what it is and leave."
    " owe me a date," he says. My eyes bulge out of their sockets I stand there, shocked.
    "WHAT?" I exclaim.
    "You lost the bet you have to," he says. "I'll give you a week to prepare. Our date is next Friday. Be ready wear something casual."
    With that, he hops out the window after placing a kiss on my cheek. I stand there, shocked while I blush crimson red with my heart going at skyrocket speed.
    The next week passed by in a breeze and it was Thursday. We are currently getting ready in Tori's room to go the movies with Shawn and his friends along with Jess and Erica. We reach the movies and meet with the boys. Tori and Shawn have really started hitting off looking comfortable with each other and for the first time, I see a gleam in her eyes which shows she is truly happy. Shawn is a really good guy and a great friend. After dinner and movies which the boys insisted on paying for, we head back home.
    "Hey, you'll be fine for tomorrow's date. Don't worry, Xavier's not that bad. He wouldn't force you to do anything. Call me tomorrow, I'll help you get ready," Tori says and leaves.


Sorry the chapter is a bit short ....
Ohhhh she'll be going for a date with Xavier ....what are his intentions ....?? Where will they have their first date  ..??Will tori get together with Shawn after Xander ....?? Continue reading to find out ...


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