Chapter 1

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It's early in the morning and I can already smell breakfast. I sit up and pull the covers off my my legs. The windows are open and the curtains are blowing with the wind. I get up off the messy bed and start walking downstairs. I hear Josh singing his favorite song and I start to smile. I walk around the corner and see him setting the kitchen table. He looks up and sees me standing by the stairs. He smirkes at me and starts walking my way. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in closer to him. He looks me in the eyes and gives me a passionate kiss, " Good morning handsome. " he says to me. " Morning " I say giving him a kiss back. He takes my hand and leads me to the table. " I made your favorite " he says as we sit down. I look down at my plate and see an omlet stuffed with peppers, onions, and cheese. I cut a piece of the omlet and eat it, amazing. " Its perfect, thank you."
After we are finished eating, I head upstairs. I grab my outfit for work and walk to the bathroom. I put my clothes down on the rack and start the shower. I get undressed and hop in the shower. As I close the curtains, I hear Josh walk into the bathroom. I can hear him brushing his teeth, but at the same time he is talking to me. He mumbles, " You mind if I come in there with you? " I start to laugh, " No, I don't mind at all." I can hear him laugh as well. The sink shuts off and I hear him getting undressed. He opens the curtains and gets in, my back is faced toward him. The curtains close and for a second I feel like he isn't there, but that's when I feel his warm body up against mine. He has his arms wrapped around my chest, and his head laying on my shoulder. I turn around and start kissing him. He starts walking, and eventually pins me to the shower wall. I can feel him shifting more weight onto me. He's kissing my neck, and I'm almost enjoying it so much I can't hear my phone ringing. I quickly open the curtain and grab my phone. I anwser and hear my bosses voice, " Andrew, I need you to come into work early today. " I look at Josh who has a confused look on his face. " Uh, ok. I'll be there in 15 minutes. Bye. " I hang up the phone and put it back on the sink. " It was my boss, I have to go into work early. " I say to Josh. He turns off the shower and says " You know, right when we are having a good time, that idiot calls and asks you to do something for him. I really hate him sometimes. " I open my mouth to say something, but he is already out of the shower and walking out of the room. I grab my towel and dry myself off. I quickly get dressed, fix my hair, brush my teeth, and put colon on. I walk out of the bathroom and head downstairs. I grab my suitcase and my keys. I walk over to Josh who was sitting on the couch reading a book. I reach over his shoulder with my head and kiss him. Before I can walk away he grabs my arm and says " I want to go out to dinner with you tonight. " I nod and say " Ok, I'll see you then. Love you, bye! " " Love you too! " he says as I walk out of the door. I walk to my car and get in. I put my suitcase in the passenger seat next to me. I start my car and pull out of the driveway.
On my way to work, I get a call. I pick up my phone and anwser without looking. " Hello? " I say. " Hey big brother! " I smile when I hear this voice because I know it's my younger sister. " Ha ha ha! What's going on? " I ask. " Well, I thought I would tell you first, only because you are my brother and I love you, but....." There is a pause and I feel like something is wrong, but then she says " I'm pregnant! ". I'm so shocked I can't talk. " That's great! Congrats! " I say happily. " Well I know you have to go to work now so I'll let you go, love you, bye. " she says. I say bye and hang up. I pull up in the parking lot at work and I notice all of the cars, great. Another day at the mad house!

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