Chapter 10

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When I got to headquarters, all hell had broken loose. Everyone was in a frenzy, shuffling through papers, typing and updating new files. I reached my cubicle and looked over at Shawn.

"What the fuck is going on?" Shawn ran his fingers though his hair.

"We've gone into lock down. Nothing goes in, nothing goes out. Orders from the FBI. We have to make sure all the files are updated." I nodded and immediately started to retype and update files. As every hour passed everyone seemed to slip out. HQ grew quieter and quieter until I was one of three people left. Wanda came in at around 9:30.

"Hey Kayce. There's a call for you on line 6." I nodded and picked up the receiver.

"This is Kaycee, how can I help you?" I heard a slight chuckle on the other end.

"Hello, love." I giggled.

"Hi." I missed his voice.

"What time are you coming home?" I looked at the pile of finished files and then the 2 page file I had left.

"Probably 11 or 11:30." I heard a disappointed sigh.

"Alright." I sighed.

"I'm sorry." He chuckled softly.

"Darling, don't be. It's alright. I'll order some food, okay?" I smiled.

"Okay." And with that he hung up. I tried to finish everything by 11 but it ended up being midnight by the time I got home. I tiptoed into the bedroom and smiled as I saw him laying on the bed reading. He had a table tray sitting on the bed with Chinese food. I kicked off my shoes and curled up next to him, being careful not to spill anything. I kissed his jawline and he gave a low growl and turned his head, kissing me tenderly as he closed his book. "I'm so sorry, Alan." he looked at me and smiled.

"it's alright. I ordered less than a half hour ago anyways. It's alright." I lowered my head slightly. He chuckled as he kissed my forehead. "Listen, we both have work that can get a little tedious and taxing but you can't let it get to you. I understand. Everything is fine." I sighed as I looked up at him. "Well, are we going to eat?" I smiled and nodded as we both grabbed our food and he clicked on the tv. He was flipping through the channels when i practically screamed. "Jesus! What is it?" 

"If you change this, so help me!" I moved closer to the tv and Alan finally rolled his eyes. 

"Truly Madly Deeply? Seriously?" I turned and looked at him. 

"I love this movie. You played Jamie so well." I was practically swooning and Alan seemed to be enjoying it immensely. As the movie went on, Alan critiqued his acting more and more. I was gonna throw my fork at him if he kept going but it reached a scene where Jamie and Nina where saying how much they loved each other, hence the title, and I felt Alan looming over me. I felt his chest press against my back as he whispered the lines. He began to place kisses on  my neck. I bit my lip and closed my eyes, letting out a soft moan as he hit the sensitive spot next to my ear. He took my food out of my hand and placed on the table beside the bed. He turned me over and pinned me underneath him as he pressed his lips against mine. The movie had been shut off and we had been kissing like this for what seemed hours. My breathing got heavier as his hands roamed over my body. I couldnt breathe. His touch made me numb. "Alan.." It was a hoarse whimper and I began to pull of his shirt. Once I removed it he stopped, allowing me to breathe. 

"Kaycee..are you sure?" I nodded and placed my hand on his cheek gently. He smiled as he leaned down and kissed me once more. His hands found their way under my shirt and he raked his fingers against my skin.  He bit and kissed my neck down to my chest and began to get frustrated. "How have I gone without this for so long?" I giggled as he leaned up and kiss my lips with a passion I had never seen from him. He had torn off my shirt in the process and mumbled about how he'd get me a new one. We had removed the majority of out clothes until we where down to undergarments. He leaned back and stared at me. "God.." I narrowed my eyes.

"What?" He ran his hand down my torso causing me to gasp. 

"You're so damn beautiful." I felt myself blush as he kissed my stomach. His hands roamed to my back and reached my bra, which he unhooked effortlessly. I felt myself blush again as my hands moved to cover myself. He stopped me. "No, please don't." His eyes where pleading and I chewed my lip. He caressed my cheek and I kissed him, feeling my bare skin against his. I moaned as he pinned my hips down with his own. I felt the heat radiating form his boxers and saw the lust in his eyes. He kissed down my body until he reached my naval, stopping as he hooked his thumbs around the elastic of my panties and slowly pulled them down. I lifted my hips as he did and I swear I saw him smirk. He threw onto the floor and looked up at me. He quickly pulled off his boxers, revealing his large erection. I covered my face and blushed, giggling as I felt his loom over me. He moved my hands and kissed me, biting my lip as he pulled away and positioned himself at my entrance. "I know you've never done this before so I promise I will be good to you." I sighed and pushed my lips against his. He gave a low groan then thrust himself inside of me. I dug my nails into him as I felt my core throbbing around his shaft. I whimpered as I adjusted to his size. When my whimpering turned  into heavy breathing he began to thrust slowly. The pain i felt in my body quickly turned to pleasure as he rocked his hips. I began to rock my hips rhythmically with his, gripping the sheets as i begged him to go faster. He gladly obliged as he grabbed my hips and pinned me down.  I was moaning relentlessly at this point and I was loving every second of it. I had loved him for so long and now it was finally happening. I felt my stomach clench as he began to thrust harder into me. "Alan." I was gripping the sheets and writhing helplessly underneath him. He came groaning and grunting as he road out his orgasm, triggering mine. He collapsed on top of me as we breathed heavily. He rolled onto his back and pulled me against him. I felt him blow a stream of air on my face. I had not opened my eyes yet. He kissed the top of my head and I finally tilted my head up towards him and opened my eyes. He smiled at me and i smiled back. "I love you.." He looked a bit shocked at what he said but the shock faded quickly as he looked at me. "I really do, Kaycee." I  bit my lip and smiled. 

"I love you too." 

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