Chapter 11

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I woke up in the afternoon. I rolled over, whimpering at my legs that where now sore. Alan pulled me closer to him and chuckled lightly.

"I hope I wasn't too rough my love." I bit my lip and hid my face in the covers.

"I'm just sore. That's all." I looked up slightly and saw him smirk as he nodded. "What's so funny?" I giggled as I shifted my body.

"I caused that. Me, not any other man." I bit my lip and smiled. He pulled me to him and kissed me. He rolled on top of me and began to kiss and suck on my neck, leaving small bruises. He leaned over and reached into the drawer, grabbing a condom. He slipped it on and I giggled, blushing a ridiculous shade of red. He pushed his length inside of me and I gasps, gripping his shoulders as he did. He flipped us over so I was ontop. I whimpered as he throbbed inside of me. Good lord he's amazing.

"Alan.." My breath was ragged as he sat up and pressed his lips against me ear.

"Ride me." My heart stopped. He noticed my reaction and said it again, this time lingering on his words. "" He thrusted up into me and I moaned, raking my fingers down his torso and my hips rocked violently against him. He had leaned his head back against the head rest of the bed and smirked, staring at me as I writhed against him. His hands gripped my hips and he moved me around his cock, causing me to cry out as he thrusted inside of me. My core clenched his member and my body ached for more of him. My thighs where burning and my hips ached but I loved it. I cried out as hid body lurched at me and his lips roamed around my chest. He had given me hickeys that hit every nerve in my body. He was a bastard for doing it but he knew it brought me closer to the edge, even though I was pretty much there.

"Alan..." I bit my lip, moaning and breathing heavily. "Alan..I'm gonna.." He grabbed me and pinned my hips in placed as he plunged into me wildly. I rocked helplessly against him and felt him release. I let out a high pitched moan and released. I collapsed ontop of him, gasping softly as he pulled out. He wrapped his arms around me and gave a low growl as I kissed his chest.
"I love you." He smiled against the top of my head.

"I love you too." I leaned up and kissed him.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." I sat in the edge of the bed and felt his bare chest pressing against my back.

"Mind if I join you?" I giggled.

"Not at all." He kissed my neck. "But!" He stopped. "Give me like, five minutes to wash my hair?" He chuckled and scooted me towards the bathroom.

"Five minutes." I hurried to the bathroom and shut the door. I looked in the mirror and my eyes widened. Thank god i didn't have work. My neck and chest were covered in light purple bruises. I sighed and turned on the water. I hopped in and quickly shampooed and Conditioned my hair. Just in time to, because right after I had rinsed my hair I felt him step into the shower and wrap his arms around me. I murmured softly as he kissed my neck. "Whatever you wash your hair with makes me want to eat you up." I giggled as he reached for his shampoo.

"I think you've done enough of that." He chuckled and quickly washed his hair. I faced him after he rinsed and kissed him. He smiled and held me against him. Yes it's weird holding someone in a shower but it was highly romantic! He turned me around and grabbed the loofa and the body wash. He lathered up my body, running his calloused hands across my skin. He rinsed the loofa then placed me under the stream of water, that was no longer as hot as it was when I got in. He went to wash himself with his loofa but I stopped him, grabbing it out of his hands and lathering up his chest and his back. He chuckled and kissed me after he snatched it out of my hands and finished washing himself. He turned the water off and stepped out first, wrapping himself in a towel then approaching he with one. I stepped out and he wrapped it around me and held me, humming happily to himself. I giggled and stood on my tip toes and kissed him. He chuckled and ushered me out of the bathroom, following closely behind. I went to get dressed, why I don't know, but he stopped me. I stood and waited for him to pick out what he wanted me to wear. He dressed me, literally. He put me in one of his long sleeve flannel shirts and a pair of his boxers, kissing my hips as he put them on me. I smiled after he dressed himself, which was only sweatpants. He had grabbed a shirt and draped it over his arm. "I have my own stuff, you know." He chuckled.

"But I like seeing you in my stuff so much more." He kissed my lips passionately and I nearly melted. He led me downstairs and sat me on a stool in the kitchen. He placed his shirt next to me on the table and grabbed a box from the cabinet. "Pancakes or waffles?" He turned and noticed the look on my face.

"You bastard..." He narrowed his eyes and seemed to be angry.

"Excuse me?" I walked over to him and hugged him, burying my face in his chest.

"You can't make me choose, it's neglect if I do." He nearly dropped to the floor he was laughing so hard. He picked me up and placed me on the counter.

"I'd hate to see if you had to choose between me or pancakes." I glared at him.

"It would obviously be the pancakes." He walked over to me.

"Oh really? Well I guess the pancakes can do this?" He kissed down my body slowly, watching my head tip back. He chuckled as he reached my thighs. I grabbed his head and pulled him up towards my face and kissed him.

"I love you." He smiled.

"I love pancakes." I smacked his shoulder playfully and he made breakfast. We sat down on the couch together and watched Jerry Springer. I loved it, Alan always found amusement but never watched it as much as I did. After about a half hour he changed the channel, putting on the cooking channel. We watched Bobby Flay cook on a grill for a while, then there was a knock at the door. Alan got up and answered it. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah, I'm looking for Kaycee." I stood up and walked over to the door. I saw the man in the door way and smiled.

"Hi Ryan." Ryan noticed the hickeys on my neck and angrily regarded the fact that Alan had no shirt on. Ryan's face shaped into a frustrated furrows brow. Alan stepped a bit more in front of me. It was cute when he was protective but it terrified me because Alan felt he needed to protect me so this could go either way. But I wasn't too worried.

"Hey. Do you have plans? I tried calling you but I guess you're phone wasn't on." Alan scowled and his tone grew cold.

"She has plans." I smiled up at Alan and he relaxed a bit.

"Yeah um I'm sorry Ry. Maybe another time?" Ryan nodded disappointedly and walked off. Alan closed the door and I began to walk back to the couch but he grabbed me and tackled me playfully to the floor. He pinned me down and kissed me. I protested underneath him. "Alan." He continued to kiss me. I wiggled my hands free and grabbed his face. "Alan.." He sighed but kissed me once more then leaned his forehead against mine.

"I'm sorry.. I just.." He looked away.

"You just?" I brought his gaze back to mine.

"You're mine. Not my property, but you're mine. Forever. And I hate other men because I know they're probably more attractive or better equipped.." I giggled.

"Better equipped? Alan. I love you. So much. It's kind of ridiculous actually. You're so good to me. You're mine. I want you all the time. No other man is going to convince me that they're better because they're not. I'm yours and I love you." It came out a lot faster than my brain has realized. He didn't respond. He looked down at me then kissed me, raking his haves possessively down my body. I smiled up at him.

"I've loved you since the first moment I saw you." I wanted to cry. God I love him. "I've watched your bet times and your worst and i love you regardless. The years that you loved me through a tv screen where the moments I feel in love with you."

"I was a 15 year old fan girl."

"I have loved you regardless, Kaycee." He said nothing after that until I teared up.

"Always?" He chuckled. My dreams where becoming a reality and honestly I almost shit myself because this was so un-fuckin-believable. He looked at me, the seriousness and devotion echoing throughout this gaze.


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