Back to school

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I climbed out of bed even tho I hadn't really gone to sleep. Walking over to my mirror, I started to run my fingers through my chestnut hair of which the ends were dyed purple. I stared at my body under my skimpy PJ's my eyes started to water knowing I would never be beautiful or good enough.

"Dont cry. Don't be pathetic!" I snapped at myself.

I walked to the other side of my room where I went into my wardrobe. I pulled out ripped black skinny jeans, a simple black vest t-shirt and an over sized purple jumper with skull and rose detailing round the bottom. I pulled out my combat boots before going over to my make up mirror to apply my black and purple signature Smokey eye with winged eyeliner and long lashes. I brushed my hair before putting it up in a messy bun.

Giving myself one last glance in the floor length mirror I decided I was ready for school.

I made my way downstairs and through the empty house. I swiped my keys and satchel off the counter before making my own out the front door and in to the chilly autumn air filled world.


I walked through the form door just as the bell went. Everyone looked at me as I walked to my spot at the back of the room near the window.

I pulled out my sketch book and pencils and started to draw ignoring the teachers instructions and whispering from other students in the room. I was to engrossed in my drawing I didn't notice the teacher say my name untill someone threw a rubber at me.

"Raven, you're wanted by the school nurse. Go to the front office now." Mrs weasel said basically to the whole class. Why did she have to say my business in front of everyone.
Sighing I grabbed my stuff and walked out of class slamming the door behind me but only to hear it open again. I glanced behind to see the bad boy of our school, Billy, walking not far behind me but staring down at his phone probably sending some girl his latest d**k pic or organising a drug deal with the rest of his group the "crew" as the school call them.

Once I reached the office I met the nurse and followed her inside the small white room.

"How you holding up on all the meds and advice the doctors gave you before the holiday?" She asked opening up her crammed notebook.

"Okay I guess, meds make me falsely happy and the advice can go up his ass." I shrugged and slouched back into the hard plastic chair.

"Okay... have you been eating and drinking and following the plan we gave you?" She asked peering at me over her glasses.

"Yes." I lied.

"Okay, well that's all today. I'm very busy so I'm sorry for the short appointment." She got up and opened the door to let me out.

I walked out the room only to walk straight into someone. I fell back and the content of my bag went everywhere. I quickly scrambled to put my bottle of pills and doctors appointment slips back in my bag before they could see.

"Woah and I thought I was a druggie!" A deep voice sounded from the pair of black Vans by my head. I looked up to see Billy holding a bottle of many pills.

I snatched them out of his hand and threw them in my bag. "Don't touch my stuff again!" I snapped at him.

"Anti-depressants, eh?" He looked me in the eyes. Before smiling sadly and walked away out the school doors and in to the parking lot. The next thing I heard was his motorbike pulling away and onto the road.

For the rest of my day I made sure I stayed away from the 'crew' and the sluts just in case he had told them about the freaks freaky meds.

I skipped lunch and sat outside in the cold. I did this most days to avoid the smell of greasy food and crowded halls and corridors. It was peaceful outside. So calm and quite and full of life. It fascinated me with all its colours and creations, especially in Autumn.

I sat for a while before deciding to skip the rest of the school day considering I had PSHE next which I basically use as another free lesson. I hopped over the back fence and made my way round the side of school making sure I wouldn't be seen from any of the class rooms.

I got a bus into town where I bought a creamy cappuccino from Costa and sat in the town park listening to music and drawing.


By the time I had gotten home it was near enough dark. I flipped on the kettle and made my way up to my room to get changed into my lazy over sized jumper and a pair of black leggings.

With my mum hardly ever being home due to the fact she detested the sight of me and my Dad never being home at all because he hates me I basically lived alone for weeks on end. We, well I, have no pets so it does get a bit lonely especially when no one lives near you that you can talk to. But it's not like people want to talk to me anyway.

I padded down stairs and into the kitchen. I quickly made myself a coffee before going back upstairs where I sat on my window ledge and watched the sky and world change. I sat for hours just watching and drinking my coffee before I grew to cold and tired to sit there anymore.

I clambered into bed, set my alarm for 5am so I could go for run in the morning before school and turned off my light.

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