Black eyes and Burst lips

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"You're so dead for what you've done to her!"

Billy dived at Dean while he was to busy laughing. he looked down right at the moment when Billy tackled him to the ground. Deans eyes were wide in shock as he tried to register what was happening. Billy brought back his fist and smashed it into Deans face instantly giving him a burst lip. He brought back his fist again but this time Dean blocked it and rolled Billy over so Dean was on top. Dean punched him in the face twice giving him a bloody nose and probably two black eyes. Billy growled and shoved Dean off him and pushed up the wall.

I couldn't stand this anymore. I stood frozen. This was so pathetic all because of me. I ran towards then and pushed my way between I ended up protecting Dean which probably looked really bad of me but in reality I just didn't want Billy to get thrown out of school because of me. He was about to hit Dean again but I made him look at me. He look almost murderous for a second before his eyes softened then they looked hurt by my actions to protect Dean I wanted to say something I wanted to make it clear I was doing it for him but I broke down crying and ran out of the school doors.

I kept running, tears streaming down my face. As I ran to where I felt safest the heavens decided to open and try to drown me in a down pour but that didn't stop me from running. Once I felt I was far enough away I pulled out my cigarettes and lit one up. My hands were shaking either from the cold or from the break down. My heart pounded in my chest and the sound filled my ears. All I could hear was the pattering of rain around me and the beating of my own heart.

Cigarette smoke filled my lungs relaxing me instantly but adrenaline still was being pumped round my body. Images of what happened at school filled my head, my vision blurred as tears cascaded down my cheeks once more. Stumbling over to the rock I sat on the night Billy found me, I finished my fag before lighting another one. Man I need to get more fags.

As I was half way through my third fag it was snatched from my lips and flicked through the air away from me. I was about to scream at the person who did it when they turned and looked me dead in the eye. His green-hazel eyes sliced through mine.

"Why did you protect him? For fuck sake Raven he hurt you. Do you love him or something?" He snapped before whispering the last question his eyes dropping slightly.

"I was stopping you from hurting yourself. I hate him with every cell in my body. By the way you owe me a fag. " I said holding out my hand.

He scoffed "You really need to stop smoking its not good for you."

"Does it look like a give a fuck about my health?!" I snapped glaring at him before jumping off the rock. "That's it I'm going, see you some time maybe. Perhaps I will go find someone to get high or drunk with while in at it." I snapped again turning on my heels to make my way into the rough part of town.

"W-what?! You can't go get high or drunk?" He ran after me.

"Watch me." I said flatly not looking at him.

Even though I'm pretty much an outcast I still knew a few people who could "hook me up" any time I felt like it. I knew a few tricks from being on the run when I've run away from home a few times like how to shop lift, break into places and cars and how to pick pocket. I never like to admit that for obvious reasons.

I started walking taking a short cut through town to the dodgy side. I made a bee line for the house 27 it was covered in weeds and shit and mould but what was inside counted. My friend, Tuf (said as Tooff), lived here or as I should say squatted here alot. He was a drug dealer but a fair and kind one, so I got along with him well.

I push open a rotten old door and was greeted with the pungent unmistakable smell of weed. I instantly smiled and walked to the end of the house.

I felt Billy's breath on my neck so he must be very close to me and very insecure about this whole situation. I stopped walking when I was Tuf's shadow against the wall to my left.

"Heya matey long time no see, could you perhaps do the usual for me please?" I called out.

"RAV?! Fucking hell havent seen you for a few months you been okay?" He trailed off when he saw Billy. Tof was easily 6 inches taller than him but he wasn't as strong but still was intimidating if you've never met him before.

"Oh. He's just my lost puppy who's not so keen on the whole weed thing." I rolled my eyes as Tof laughed.

"Not lost your sarcasm I see tho. Looking a bit bony tho love." He eyed me before I flapped my hands about and pushed him towards the Home Room (a.k.a where the drugs are stored as Tof likes to call it).

"Okay okAy. As I haven't seen you for a while here's seventy quids worths. Have fun." He smiled before ducking out the room to the gambling down stairs.

I walked out the house with the weed firmly in my bra. I wasn't gonna risk losing it after everything. Billy was still at my heels not having said a word the entire time.

I swiftly turned around "why so silently?" I questioned.

"I ... I just never thought you to be this type of girl..." He stuttered. I didn't push him for more as I just wanted to be left alone to get high and to forget my worries for a while.

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