Seeing them.

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During the night I got hot in Billys room so I took off my hoodie and jeans and slept in a tank top and underwear.

I woke up pretty early as I usually did because I could hardly sleep. So for the past two hours I had been sat watching the world through his window. I had watched the sun brighten and shift across the sky. I had watched birds fly high and low for the search of food.

I grew restless after the two hours sat on the window ledge, so I began looking through my bag for my cigarettes and phone. I was to busy searching through my bag to notice Billy had come into the room. I let out a yelp and gasp as he just stood there with a smirk on his face.

"Nice underwear there hot...." his smile faded and turned to a frown.

I quickly looked down to see I was still only in a tank top and all the scars and cuts on my legs and arms were visible for him to see clearly. I quickly dived under the covers and buried my face into the pillow. And began to sob.

"Get out!" I yelled into the cushion still crying.

How could I let him see me? He's probably telling all his mates about he saw the freak with hardly any clothes on covered in scars. He probably thinks I'm gross and pathetic. I am pathetic. I told myself.

I heard footsteps leave the room then I heard them come back after a few moments.

"I said go away." I whispered my voice shaking.

"I brought you some joggers and a big hoodie. Couldn't be comfortable wearing jeans in bed." His voice sounded soft. I felt him place the clothes down next to me.

Twisting round to see him I saw him run his hand through his hair while he just looked at me.

"You don't think I'm pathetic? Your not gonna laugh at me?" I spoke quietly.

"Of course not. Doing that won't help and will only make you worse." He said softly but I could see the anger behind his eyes.

"Y-your angry with m-me?" I stuttered cowering away from him slightly.

"No, not with you. I'm angry who ever made you feel like hurting yourself!" He said sounding more annoyed this time. He looked back at me and his eyes softened. "I will leave you to get dressed." He declared before leaving the room.

Once the door closed behind him. I threw on the clothes he left me and raked my hair back into a high pony tail. I went into the bath room and left a few more years roll down my face before I washed and dried it. I stared at my dull one hazel one brown eyes. I looked so tired and ill, it saddened me even more knowing I was never gonna be the girl I was a year or two ago.

I took a deep breath and gathered up enough confidence to go down stairs and face the music with Billy. My hands shook and I kept my head down as I walked into the living room. I could see his legs but that's all as I could see as I refused to look at his. I heard him move closer before I felt his strong arms wrap around me and I cried into his chest.

"I'm sorry." I kept mumbling into his damp t-shirt. And every time he told me to shh and that it will be okay.

After a while of being in his arms he let go of me and held me at arms length. I tugged on the ends of my sleeves which he noticed. He quickly grabbed my arm and pushed the sleeve up. I tried to pull my arm free but Billy help it firmly. He stood staring at my arm before closing his eyes and looked up at me again. His bluey green eyes looking softly into mine. They were mesmerizing.

"Why?" Was all he could say.

"So I can feel. To let out the hurt and pain I feel inside." I shrugged and wriggled free from his grip. He sighed before pulling me into another hug.

For the rest of the day he refused to walk me home or let me out his sight. We spent the day sat in his lounge watching movies on his TV while we tried to avoid the subject of scars and what happened this morning.

Considering he was ment to be the bad boy of our school and had a reputation of being ruthless and mean he was actually a pretty caring guy, not to mention (when I come to think of it ) so freaking hot! I mean he had a six pack and v line! Also he's got tattoos which is mega sexy to me.
I was just so confused as to why he was being nice to me! Like I'm not normal I'm a freak. People try to avoid me because I'm different. An outcast. Yet he was spending his time trying to talk to me and help me out as much as possible.

I also didn't understand why he hide this softer side of him away from everyone else. If anyone touched home or spoke to him in school that wasn't a slut or part of the 'crew' he would give them a death glare or just full on punch them in the face. He was certainly not someone to mess with but it turns out he was someone you could certainly trust and easily fall for.

Wait what did I just say? Did I just say easily fall for?! I mentally slapped myself at the thought of me actually falling for a bad boy... again. I was trying to avoid my part not recreate it.

I am not falling for Billy.... or am I?

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