Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Drew's POV

I'm guessing I'd fallen asleep and now was currently in that weird asleep-but-can-hear-and-feel-things state.

I felt my hair fall onto my face and a hand came up ans swept it away. The hand then stayed, cupping the side of my face and stroked my cheek as I "slept".

I realized that the hand probably belonged to Shane and this made a small smile creep onto my face.

I heard him let out a slightly disappointed sigh, as though he was deep in thought. Maybe I should "wake up" and ask him what's wrong.

I then felt a warm blow of air on my face and suddenly Shane's lips were pressed lovingly against mine. My eyes shot open and met his beautiful hazel eyes...staring back at me.

Shane moved his face away from mine and sat back, staring out into the rest of the room, a visible rosy glow forming on his cheeks. I just laid there, my eyes and mouth wide open in shock.


I said, sitting up, his head turning to face me, tears in his eyes. Why is Shane crying?

"D-drew I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that I-"

I cut him off by cupping the side of his face and kissing him softly. Shane brought one hand up to my face and stroked the side of my cheek whilst we kissed.

I broke away from the kiss and our foreheads touched.

" I-I need to tell you something"

Shane whispered, taking my hands in his. The butterflies in my stomach intensified as Shane opened his mouth to speak again.

"I-I um...I like you, Drew...a lot...and have done for so long I can't remember"

I just sat there, in shock from what I had just heard from Shane... 

H-He likes me? I had completely fallen in love with Shane, the day I first met him. I've spent the last several years wondering whether he liked me, my worries are over...He likes me.

"Shane I-I Like you so much...and I...w-want to be with you"

Jesus christ that took some guts.

A huge smile crept across Shane's face as he lunged forward and his lips crashed against mine. My hands shot up to tangle into Shane's sandy-coloured hair, whilst Shane used his hands to prop himself up above me whilst we kissed.

Shane broke away from the kiss and our foreheads touched once again.

"In that case, Drew James Woolnough, will you be my boyfriend?"

Shane whipered.

Oh my god. I've been waiting for this moment for years...and now it's finally here. Am I still asleep and this is just a dream?

I bit down hard on the inside of my mouth to see if this was all just a hurt...this is deffinitely not a dream!

"Y-yes, Shane, I will be your boyfriend"

I whispered back to Shane, grabbing his face and kissing him again.

Its still sinking in...H-he's my boyfriend? My first boyfriend? B-oy-f-r-i-e-n-d? Wow, this is something...

Shane broke away from the kiss and moved one hand to my face, to sweep my fringe away.

"Y'know what? I really want a cup of coffee. You want some too?"

Coffee sounds like just what I need right now...that and my boyfriend (hey, I'm still getting used to saying it!)

"Yeah sure"

Shane got up off me and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the room, down the hallway and into the kitchen. Whilst Shane put the kettle on and got two mugs out of the cupboard, I went to go sit down on the sofa in the living room. Looks like we're the only ones in the flat as Kier, Laurence and Luke were nowhere to be seen.

Soon enough, Shane re-appeared from the kitchen, two coffee's in hand. He handed me mine and plonked down on the sofa next to me.

I leaned over and cuddled up to Shane. Shane rapped his free arm around me and leaned down to kiss the top of my head. I buried my face in his side and sighed happily.

He's my boyfriend. Shane Harley Sumner is my boyfriend.

Kier's POV

Laurence agreed to go with me to get some strawberry laces...WHOOOOP I'M GETTIN' ME SOME STRAWBERRY LACES AWWW YISSSSS.

Laurence and myself hopped into our van to go to Tesco. Laurence got in the driver's seat and I got into the passenger seat.

Laurence started the engine and reached for the gear stick. Just as he did so, my hand reached towards the CD player. Before my hand got there, Mine and Laurence's hands touched, sending that familiar buzz through my whole body. Laurence didn't move away for a few seconds and an awkward silence fell upon us both until Laurence coughed, a blush forming on his cheeks, and I moved my hand up towards the CD player.

I pressed play and "American Idiot" blared through the speakers. Laurence began singing along quietly.

"You're a really amazing singer, y'know"

I said and I wasn't lying. Laurence doesn't really believe in himself a lot, but he really should. He really needs to see just how amazing he is.

"I'm really not"

I let out a disappointed sigh.

"Yes, Laurence, you are. You really really are."

I said, resting my hand on his thigh, my thumb stroking back and forth.

We both blushed slightly and Laurence looked down, then turned his head back to focusing on the road ahead.

Soon enough we arrived at tesco. As Laurence put the brakes on, I looked down to see my hand still on his thigh. Laurence smiled at me as we both looked down at his leg. I blushed again (Yes, I blush a lot. Laurence seems to have that effect on me), quickly moving my hand away, un-doing my seatbelt and getting out of the van.

Laurence also got out and I skipped inside the store, Laurence following shortly behind.

"Kier! Wait you little shit!"

I ran inside laughing as Laurence made an attempt to catch up. Oh I do love teasing him sometimes.

When I got inside, I made a b-line for the sweets isle. I felt bad running off without Laurence so I stopped and waited for him to catch up. Once he had caught up, I linked arms with him. Laurence smiled at me and let out the most adorable little giggle.

We located the strawberry laces and bought 6 packets of them awww yeah!

Soon enough we were out of the store and back into the van, this time swaying and singing along to "Wake me up when september ends".

Laurence was singing along a little quieter than me, but I could still hear his amazing voice.

One of the many reasons I'd fallen in love with Laurence all those years ago was because of his voice. Not just when he sang, but when he spoke. It was like a comfort to me.

We eventually arrived home. I quietly opened the door to our flat as I guessed Drew might still be asleep.

Once we both had walked into the living room, what we saw made me want to just go "AWWWWW" at the top of my lungs.

Drew and Shane were cuddled up on the sofa asleep, together.

(A/N: Does Kier even like strawberry laces?)

Is it wrong of me to feel so much? (Timids + Keveridge)Where stories live. Discover now