Chapter Eight

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Drew's POV

Laurence had decided that we should all stay in and have a horror-movie marathon. I'd just left the room to see if we had any beer in. Upon returning to the living room, with a beer for all of us, I hear Shane say

"Uh, we have quite a few decent horror films, I we start now!"

Laurence swiftly leapt up and grabbed a bottle.

Well, it looks like I'll need this alcohol for this very long night. The best thing about this is that I get spend some time with Shane. 

I sat down on the sofa next to shane and he put his arms around me, kissing the top of my head. I cuddled into Shane and looked over to Laurence.

I'm worried about him, I really am. You can tell by the way he looks when he drinks, that he's drinking to forget. I mean, he's not like an alcoholic or anything or drinking all day, but when it does, its as though it comes with a much-needed relief. 

Laurence finished his bottle of beer and placed the empty bottle of the floor, the bottle making an empty clanging noise.

"Jesus christ, Laurence! That was quick!"

Luke exclaimed, making us all jump.

"Yeah...I just really needed a drink"

Laurence, I really am worried about him.

Shanen then leant down to my ear and whispered.

"I'm really worried about Bevers"

I sighed and whispered back, staring into his eyes.

"Me too"

Shane kissed my head and then leant his head on top of mine. My mind drifted away from the shitty movie playing on the TV and towards Shane.

I’m so lucky that Shane likes me back. After all the time I’ve loved him, he likes me back. Although, it makes me feel really guilty because we’re sat here all happy  together and Laurence is there all sad and no matter how many doubts I have, I still think its something to do with him and Kier.

Kier’s POV

“Aw baby, what’s wrong?”

Evie just wouldn’t stop pestering me since I got here. Why can’t she just take the hint and leave me the fuck alone?

“I’m fine Evie. Just leave me alone…please”

Her face dropped and a sad expression appeared as she shuffled closer to me.

“No, you’re not. Now speak to me”

By now my head was in my hands and a few tears were escaping my eyes. I looked up and took her hands in mine.

I need to do this. I can’t keep lying to her and myself…I just hope she understands.

“It’s something serious isn’t it?”

I sighed, casting my eyes down to our hands.

“Evie, I’ve been lying to you…for a very long time.”

She began to tear up a little but quickly wiped away he tears, dropping my hands.

“Evie, I’m sorry but…I don’t love you”

Hear tears spilled over and her hands flew up to her face. She sat like that for a few moments before looking up to meet my eyes.

“W-who is she?”

Is it wrong of me to feel so much? (Timids + Keveridge)Where stories live. Discover now