Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Shane's POV

I can tell Kier was upset by what Luke said, seeing as he just walked out like that, but Laurence...Laurence looked hurt. Maybe all this "messing around" as Laurence would claim it was, is just "messing around" to Kier...but to looks like its probably something more...bless him.

I turned around to see Drew hanging head-first over the front of the sofa.

"Urgh, my head feels funny"

Drew said, still hanging there.

"Well get up then!"

I replied to Drew, giggling slightly. Ah shit...Drew's had sugar...tonight could be a loooooong night.

"Urgh, but I don't want to get up! Its fun!"

Drew wined back at me. I couldn't help but laugh at how childish Drew is. In all honesty, I would never change Drew's personality, even in the slightest. If he was any different, he wouldn't be Drew...or at least not the Drew I fell in love with. Drew is perfect.

"Um helloooo? Wakey wakeeeey!"

I hear Drew say, now stood in front of me, snapping his fingers in front of my face. I'd obviously gone into some kind of trance.

"What's a'matter?"

Drew asked me, sounding like a nursery child asking if their friend was okay after throwing them in the sandpit.

"Nothing, I'm fine. I was just thinking about how I wouldn't change a thing about you, even when you act like a child. Even before we got together today, I always knew for definite that you were the one for me. You are perfect Drew Woolnough"

Drew's eyes filled with tears as he flung his arms around me and cried into my shoulder. He slowly peeled himself away from me and started wiping his eyes.

"Aw Shane, you're making me cry!"

Drew said, inbetween a few happy tears and small laughs. 

"Awww Drew, don't cry!"

I said, Kissing him sweetly on the cheek, him then going back to hanging upside down.

I didn't say to Drew, what I really wanted to say. I wanted to tell Drew that I loved him, but at the moment, I think I'm a little too scared too say that...I mean, what if Drew doesn't actually love me back?

Laurence's POV

I woke up all of a sudden, in a cold sweat, my breathing heavy. I tried to get out of bed, but I found I couldn't move, something was restraining me from behind, making me panic more.

"Hey, hey Laurence! Shhhhh its okay...its only me"

I hear Kier's voice say in a whisper, him stroking my hair, as a form of reassurance, his loving touch calming me down almost instantly. I realize then, that Kier's arms were wrapped around me, preventing me from getting out of bed.

"Shhhh Laurence its okay. Shhhh"

Kier kept mumbling "shhh"'s and "its okay"'s in my ear, continuing to stroke my hair whilst I trembled in fear. I think he's figured out I'd had a nightmare.

So yeah, I'd had a nightmare, a regular occurrence for me. Kier isn't always woken up by them, so I was surprised he was this time...if he was even asleep in the first place.

My nightmare was about Kier...and him completely and utterly rejecting me. It starts on some night, presumably the night I decide to tell Kier how I feel about him, and, as implied, I tell Kier how I feel about him. But, instead of saying he loved me too, or if he didn't love me back, politely explaining he didn't feel the same, he was aggressive. He kept saying thinks like "You actually thought I liked you haha! What a joke!" and "who would ever love someone as ugly as you?" and "you're an embarrassment". (Embarrassment, huh? I guess that's what triggered the nightmare, y'know 'cause Kier's embarrassed of ever being with me.) The nighmare then got even darker in its nature, Kier then became violent and beat me to the ground.

Is it wrong of me to feel so much? (Timids + Keveridge)Where stories live. Discover now