Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Laurence's POV

Me and Kier appear to have walked in on a little Timids moment! I swear to god, these two need to get together...and fast.

"C'mon let's wake them up!"

Kier whispered. In a way, I want to wake them up to tease them, but I kinda don't want to disturb them in this beautiful little moment.

Kier went up to Shane and started poking his face. Shane wrinkled his face up and woke up with a jolt, causing Drew to wake up as well. The Timids looked around, probably for an excuse for the position they were in, then looked at me and Kier, our eyebrows raised.

"Um, we can explain..."

Drew looked at Shane and Shane nodded his head as though in agreement of something. Drew turned to us and opened his mouth to speak, hopefully to give us some kind of explanation.

" and Shane...we're together...Shane is my boyfriend and I'm his"



Kier said looking slightly bewildered, his head dropped to the floor.

"Kier, you alright?"

I said, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Y-yeah, I'm uh...just a bit tired. I think I'm gonna go lie down for a while"

"Uh, okay"

As Kier wandered off into our bedroom, taking the strawberry laces with him, I turned to the Timids and a huge grin spread across my face as I embraced them both in a hug.

As I hugged them, I couldn't help but think about Kier. He looked like he had been upset by the Timids getting it killed him inside? Well, it kinda killed me inside too...the fact that the Timids, for christ's sake the TIMIDS, had the guts to tell one another how they felt and are now happy together and I don't have the guts to tell Kier. But why is Kier so upset?

I sighed, making it sound like a happy sigh.

"Awww congratulations guys!!"

Kier's POV

So me and Laurence came back from Tesco to find the Timids asleep together on the sofa. Then they told us they were together.

This killed me inside, no, not because I like Drew or Shane "in that way", but more out of jealousy. They had the guts to confess to one another, not knowing how the other would feel. Luckily, they both felt the same...but in mine and Laurence's case, I can't help but think that Laurence doesn't feel the same...oh, I dunno, its just a feeling I can't, this whole "being head-over-heels in love with someone" thing really tires you out, huh?

I sat cross-legged on the bed, dropped the six packets of strawberry laces in front of me and opened all the packets out onto the bed. As I ate the strawberry laces, my mind drifted towards Laurence. I sat staring towards the far wall of the room. It was like I was looking right at him. His pale face, the way his jet black hair falls across his face, his beautiful green eyes that I could just stare into forever and get lost in...

As if on cue, the door opened and in came Laurence.

"Hey, you okay?"

Laurence said, his eyes pretty much staring right into my if he could read my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm just um...making a start on these strawberry laces"

"Oh...can I join you? After all, I did drive you to get them!"

Is it wrong of me to feel so much? (Timids + Keveridge)Where stories live. Discover now