Chasing the wind

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The wind blew as if there was a storm brewing, but the sky was clear and blue. Long blades of grass covered the ground, flowing in the wind like a green ocean. This expanse of green, lush grass stretched as far as the eye could see. The rumble of heavy, rapid footsteps, like galloping and wheels followed in harmony with the roar of the wind. Three large wooden carriages, painted blue and orange, drawn by large muscular horses. The carriages stopped in a triangle formation. Two tall and muscular men wearing blue slacks, a white t-shirt and a waist coat exited from one of the carriages, with axes strapped to their backs. The cold winter sun still high in the sky but little heat could be felt; the two men walked to the small patch of trees not too far away. Meanwhile, men, women and children, 28 in all, exited the three carriages. Busy like bees rushing around, making camp. Supplies of food, water and such were withdrawn. All the women and girls wore a long blue dresses with; striped, poke-doted or checked pattern on them. The boys and men wore blue slacks and a t-shirt.

Later and the days light began to dim and the stars seemed to open like eyes in the sky above. In the midst of the carriages was a fire, which sent up red and orange embers in to the sky the glow setting the dark fluidic night alight with golden light. All thirty of the group sat around the raging inferno. Talking, eating and some fighting and bickering from the younger children. "Well... it's time for me to get going if I want to be back by sunrise." a young boy said heaving himself up. He appeared to be about 16. Tall, slim, yet his face was still free from adult worry. He wore everything the other men wore but he wore black three quarter slacks. He had a bandage around his left leg and was wearing finger-less gloves over his skeletal hands. "Be careful. It gets darker closer to the mountains. The locals say that lights used to be seen emanating from the holy God's mount... but after all that's happened...." The voice paused. The voice came from an old lady sitting in front of the fire. She had a wrinkled prune for a face with two beady eyes. Her clothes were different too. She wore a brown striped dress and sported a red robe, which had a gold trim around the edge. "Gran... isn't that a bit grim?" the boy said with one eyebrow raised. Everyone giggled. Gran got up with the help of the woman sitting next to her, walked over the boy and placed her left hand on his right shoulder. She continued, "That's a story for another time. We of the Wind-chasers have a lot to learn but so much to teach; if you're going to lead the tribe when I pass you need to know our origins." "I'm not looking forward to it," he grumbled looking down in an effort to hide his voice. "I mean I'm 16!" he shot up straight with his chest puffed out, "Sure I'm ready, but I can admit I have the maturity of a 8 year old...girl." as the word left his mouth everyone laughed and even Gran shared a grin. The boy sank back, but then stood up again. "It's time for me to jet! Be back by dawn!" the boy walked east, towards the ominous shadow of a huge mountain.

All that lit the way was the crescent moon and the stars. Now at a full speed run, everything was a blur apart from the stone arch he had his eyes set upon. The faint sounds that were heard earlier that day from the village had died away with the sun; all that was left was an eerie ghost town. The stone arch made the entrance to the settlement. Its shadow made the town feel even creepier. Lanterns lit all the roads, but the black wood could not be seen, so to anyone the lanterns floated in mid-air. This sent waves of fear and uncertainty up the boy's spine. He caught his breath after a few minutes, he slowly continued to roam and scour the town. About 7 hours later and the moon slowly declined towards the horizon, yet its light brighter and more spectacular. Finishing his task early, the boy headed to a dried up stream. Only a trivial amount of water ran through it. "I would have to go on to the bed to get the water." He looked up towards the mountains in the distances; they actually looked smaller than they looked before. "Ice on top the mountains must have just started to melt? winter must be a bad time for most that live by the stream?" he muttered to himself. "Wow! The night ended already? I need to head out, now!" the boy yelled, then instantly covered his mouth as not to say any more. The orange lights of the sun started to peek over the horizon even though the moon was still up, but close to setting itself. The boy ran straight out the way he came. Clouds gathered and a chilling morning breeze, welcomed the suns rise to power over the land and sky.

The boy ran up to an outcrop overseeing the camp site, and to his horror he saw hell. The carriages were wreaked and dead bodies laid motionless on the ground. Screams and shouting could be heard. He ran towards to the remains of a carriage. There was Gran. She was badly hurt, but still alive. "My boy... Get out of here. You must live...," She whispered. Her strength disappeared rapidly. "You can't do anything ... Fate is sealed." Gran's eyes closed and she drew her last breath. Her body limped. The boy let go and lay her restfully to the ground. "I need a way to save my people...." Tears filled his eyes and everything he knew seem to vanish. His parents, grandparents, family....very thing gone.

"Feel that which follows, what shows the way to peace and destruction.

Fast to strike, strong in light

Traverse to the place where thunder sleeps"

Looking back....this chapter is not actually too bad. Not as all over the place like the later ones.

:D If you like it, please drop a vote and a comment. much appreciated

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