A girm tale

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Ren was still as stone with food in his mouth. His expression said it all. His eyes were wide, sweat accumulating on his brow. "Sorry. My students always tell me that I sometimes sound scary and villainous," Master Hwan chuckled adjusting his glasses. Ren relaxed and carried on eating. A few minutes later he was done and the plate might as well have just been cleaned because the plate was clear. "That was good!" Ren cried. The look of satisfaction made Master Hwan smile. Anna, Mira and the girl that looked like Mira but with a pony tail entered the room. "Was that good?" Anna asked. Ren nodded and rubbed he belly. "I guess we should start over with the usual greetings?" Ren said out loud, "I'll go first. I am....Ren, of the Wind-chasers. We are a tribe of nomads that travel the world searching for enlightenment and knowledge. I guess that's all to say." Ren was looking down. His fists were clenched. "Well I'm next. As you know, I am Master Hwan. I am a teacher here at the God's mount dojo," Master Hwan Adjusted his glasses and looked toward Anna. "Me next! Anna pleased to meet you." Anna said full of joy. The girl standing next to her Ren had never properly seen up until now. "You might be wondering who I am, and why does it look like there is two of us. I am Mia, and Mira is my twin sister. We might be identical in looks be we are completely different," Mia said emphasising her point by pointing at her pony tail and Mira's short hair. Master Hwan sat down in his chair and folded his arms. "Let's get down to business. Girls you might want to take a seat. Rens story might shock you" and once again Master Hwan sounded more devious than reassuring.

Ren sat in the chair still clenching his fists. "Where do I start? From when that night I guess." He looked down at the gourd and then at himself, "My tribe came to your village last night, and we did what we normally did; collected firewood, unpacked our tents while I scouted the outskirts of the village and looked for the river that runs through here. But as I got back things were upside down," The girls eyes were wide open, yet Mater Hwan still sat there with his eyes closed. "Strange creatures ran rampant in the camp and killed my people." A loud gasp came from Anna as she covered her face. Ren looked at her, then fell silent. After a few minutes he began again. "I lead them away from the camp. And I took a few of them on, but it was no use. I have no hope against so many of them but then a strange voice spoke to me, and told me to look for the place where thunder sleeps. Then I got struck by lightning, a direct hit yet I was fine. My body stared glowing –", "Hold it! " Master Hwan interrupted, "You're telling me you was blessed? That is intriguing," Master Hwan shoot up out of his chair and stared intently at Ren. He freaked out and fell off the chair. Mira and Mia had a shocked look on their faces, while Anna just looked confused, looking at everyone. "What do you mean his power?" Ren asked getting up from the floor. "Do you mean Titan Thundra, by any chance?" Ren's eyes glinted and he grinned. Now Anna also had a shocked expression. "Precisely... you have been bound to a powerful spirit, of the likes you can never imagine. From your faces girls I guess I have some explaining to do but not now. Lunch is over, so head to your classes, we can talk later. Dismissed!" Master Hwan exclaimed. The girls rose and left the room. Master Hwan passed the room a few times. Stopped, and then started again. "Ren, this evening seeing as you are in my care, I would like you to have dinner with us. We still have some things to go over." " Us? What do you mean by us? And what else is there to go over?" Ren looked at Master Hwan as if puzzled. Ren thought about what Master Hwan meant by us, but his train of thought was interrupted by the invitation of a place to stay. "I don't want to be a burden to you Master Hwan. Besides I can travel by myself for a whi...-" "Sorry but as long as you are a chosen, I can't let you go be by yourself." Master Hwan said raising his voice. "The girls will come get you once school has finished and will take you to where we live. I will meet you there. Is that ok?" he said adjusted his glasses again. Ren just sat there and never answered. Master Hwan took this as a yes and left Ren to himself. He looked out of the window, face as stone and with a patience heart. The winter sun started to make its descent slowly as time wore on. He reflected on everything that happened and what he needed to do next. What was the place where thunder sleeps? Who were the people that have taken him in? Where did his future lead?

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