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What do I do? If what they say is true, I'm going to be putting my life at risk... yet the twins seem perfectly fine with putting their lives in the hands of fate. I don't know I can do the same. In all my years, I like to think to I knew most if not all the legends and tales, but what they said... shattered all of that. I don't really know much at all. The Angels of the gods where the greatest warriors in our history sent from the heavens, well that's what the records across the continent say, and just about everyone learns this as a child... The sky is so nice this morning. The soft breeze reminds me of the Albion coast in the far south west. The smell of the fresh bread made at the bakery just round the corner. Just relax Ren, getting worked up doesn't help anyone. Useless! I can just hear my old man's usual solution to my current state. "Close your eyes son. Open yourself, your entire being, your heart, mind, soul and body to the world's energy". Maybe I should do that. But not right now. The war that lasted almost a decade ended with that THING still alive, just sealed. Still can't believe it. At that table being told stuff is should have known. The tribe's ancestor, my ancestor was a celestial envoy! He would have known what happened. But how comes he didn't leave us the truth. Everyone believes that the angels won the final battle and that our gods ascended to regain their power. Perhaps the truth the truth was forgotten or....kept a secret on purpose.

The room Ren was in for all intents and purposes was a wooden box, with no carpet and no decoration. Very simple. It was what Ren was used to. The walls between rooms were noting but long slates of wood, so it was very thin. A mellow breeze flowed through the open window which he sat in front of. There was a knock at the door. "Come in" Ren barked somewhat angrily. The door opened to reveal Muki still with his hooded robe on, who entered slowly and quietly. He sat next to Ren, crossed legged, who did not move at all. "I must apologies. All this must be a great shock for you. I know it was for Anna. Not even she knew what we were talking about at first. You, like most in the world have grown up believing in a false truth. The great envoys have had to keep it secret to protect the people. I am sure you understand?" Ren was silent. He understood all right. He wanted to ask the one burning question: why couldn't it be destroyed? But he could get the words out. Muki sighed and gazed out of the window. Ren got up, "just have to move forward. I have many questions, but they can wait. There is a worlds to save.....but I'm only a kid," that glimmer of doubt, it's always there. There was suddenly a series of loud knocks that startled Ren and Muki who jumped up and looked out of the window.

Straight down was 3 people; one was wearing a Navy blue robe. "Guardian corps" Muki murmured, "Do you think our presence is needed?" Ren nodded and headed out of the room. Muki put on his eye patch and followed. The two traversed the spiral stairs at the rear of the house to the ground floor, the sound of chiming bells echoed, Ren stopped abruptly in his tracts at the foot of the stairs, "The bell indicates the master requires our presence," Muki pointed out. They entered the kitchen, peeking their heads in the meeting room. Sat at the table was a man, with dark brown neatly kept beard and a bolding head, he didn't look very old , 40 winters or so, the woman next to him was near enough the same age, her hair was short, also dark brown, sat with three open books in front of her talking to the man and Lucy. The mysterious visitor in the navy blue rode, yet to take down their hood, was silently observing. Ren knew this for sure, however he didn't know if he or she was wise to his and Muki's premature and slightly suspicious arrival in the kitchen. "Gentleman," Hwan said in a soft low in an attempt not the scare the boys, which failed, the boys jumped out of their skin. "Master, has any anyone told that you are very scary?" Ren asked, "A matter of fact, yes. The twins say it all the time," Hwan smiled. "Then why do you not change?" muki questioned respectfully. "I'm rather comfortable with the way I am, and it has some benefits," "Like what Master?" The master chuckled, "it sometimes scares the other corps members, not to mention the call me in to put a little fear in to new recruits," Ren rolled his eyes while Muki just stared at the master, who winked and smiled his usual smile..

This is me attempting to experiment with perspective and narrative voice. Its still a little jarring to read to which im so sorry for/

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