Funeral Planning

978 14 1

We sat on the bed, and Harry looked a little down. "Haz, you ok?",I asked him worried. He shook his head.

"Kaitlyn, we need to plan the funeral", he said quickly. Just then a tear streamed down my face (moments!). I nodded.

Harry walked over to a shelf, and grabbed some paper. He gave me a aqua clipboard, and he had a pink one. Oh child, when will you ever learn to be normal. Oh wait. That's not possible.

"Hey! That was mean!", he pouted. Oops, said that out loud. I smiled cheekily. He pecked me on the cheek.

"Ok, first...where?", he asked.

"The Davidson private funeral home", I already had that planned out since I was a child. I know, sad right?

"Very", Harry agreed.

"God dammit", I cursed. He patted my back.

"How many people?", he continued. I frowned, I'll just invite my brother, their children, wives. Um, my uncles, aunts, cousin, and I have one living grandmother.

"Got that", he smirked. I playfully hit him in the arm,"What it's not my fault you think out loud".


"That was hurtful", he pouted. I got up, went to the kitchen, looked through a couple drawers, then finally found it. Duck tape. I took a piece, cut it, and applied it over my mouth. Harry giggled. Did Harry just giggle?

--30 minutes of running around later--

We settled back in and focused, we finished up, and we had to go prepare the bodies this weekend, and it is Monday.

I got a bowl of grapes, and sat on the bed. Just then 'he' popped through the door.



OMG, sorry it's short! But I was going through my stories on wattpad, and how they were doing. So I was drinking juice sitting next to my brother on the couch, I found out I have 122 reads. I spit out my drink on my brother. I was freaking out, OMFG. I got my goal, now I'm pushing my goal to 250, a little high, but I believe I can do it, and I love support. Thank you guys, see I get bullied, and writing helps me not think of things, and when I get new support I'm like SUPER happy. You guys would not believe, you directioners are the reason I wright because I know I will get support. So thanks again!






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