Masato x Childhood Friend Reader

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So this was requested by kuroneko-chan123. I hope you like!


"Masa-chan!" You screamed as you walked into the practice room only to see Mataso along with Syo, Natsuki, Ren, Tokiya, Ittoki, Cecil, and Nanami all writing a new song together for the next Starish concert. The all looked up at you thinking you were nuts, sell most of them. Natsuki thought that it was cute, but he has known for the longest amount of time that you like Masato anyways and promised to keep it a secret for as long as you kept it a secret.

(N/n)-chan welcome to our practice session!" Natsuki practically yelled while making all the boys stare and Nanami laugh ever so slightly.

"(Y/n) so what brings you here on this lovely day?" Ren asked you.

"Um...well you see I wanted to see if Masa-chan was here cuz I needed to talk to him about the song that we're writing together, but I guess he's busy now so I'll just leave." You said as your (h/c) bangs fell infront of your huge (e/c) eyes.

"No stay a little longer we were just leaving anyways." Syo said as he grabbed Natsuki's arm, while Natsuki grabbed Ittoki's, Ittoki grabbing Cecil's,and Cecil grabbing Tokiya's with Ren walking close behind. Thy then all left the room while Nanami was quickly leaving the other way to leave just you and Masato in the room alone.

"You're blushing (Y/n)-kun." Masato stated after everyone had left.

" I'm sorry about that earlier. I didn't mean to!" You exclaimed as you walked over to Masato who was making a signal to tell you to sit next to him on the couch. You got the memo and sat next to him and he put an arm around you after you were settled on the couch. This only made you blush an even brighter red.

"Don't be sorry my sweet. We've been friends since we were little kids and I've seen you blush numerous amounts of times before." Masato replied while rubbing your back with his hand.

"Oh ok. Well about the song. I have the notes right here. All that's left is for you to write the some lyrics or none at all that's up to you!" You said realizing how stupid that sounded after you said that.

He then quickly looked over the notes and came up with the perfect lyrics and written them down, then he gave you back the paper awaiting your approval.

"Wow Masa-chan these words are incredible! How did you come up with them so quick?!?" You said as he put his hand through your (H/l) (H/c) hair.

"I was thinking about someone that's special to me." He replied.

"Was it your little sister, cuz she's pretty special to you. Oh or was it your grandpa, as in the one that taught you the values of music." You exclaimed again not realizing how stupid that sounded after you said it.

"No it was neither one of them." Masato said.

"Well then who was it?!?!?!" You screamed at him.

"Call down (Y/n). It was you." He said while leaving a gentle kiss on your cheek.

"" You said surprised after H had kissed your cheek.

Yes you silly who else would it be. Your the most important person in my life because you've been there since the day I met you." Masato replied.

"Aww I have been and I never realized it?" You said while dropping down in the couch.

"Yes you have and you probably always be." He replied and placed yet another kiss on your cheek.


So how did you like it??? Hope you enjoyed! And I'd you want a second part I'll be glad to do one for you!

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