Chapter Two

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I dedicate this chapter to my good friend and amaizng author, darian_ashton. Go check her out! She is amazing, and creative! She helped in this chapter when I was lost so I thank her! Please make her day by reading her awesome stories. <3


The next day went by without anything interesting happening at school. The usual one or two students going missing were nothing to fret about, so I didn’t. The only thing that I was looking forward was hanging out with Tristan today. I could barely sleep last night because I was just so excited to be with my first friend. Well, that and the noises my sister was making. Sometimes I wonder what in the world she is doing in there to me making that much noise. Anyway! I can barely contain my excitement; I was practically bouncing up and down on my way to second period.

My excitement deflated when I saw that the seat next to mine was empty. I trudged to my desk and fell into my seat. I knew it. I should have never gotten too excited, it never works out.

When lunch came around, I had already convinced myself that Tristan and all of her friends had disappeared like everyone else. If she was not gone, then why was she not in school? Okay, I need to stop freaking myself out; surely, it only makes me sick. I sat in my usual spot and notice that Tristan’s spot was occupied by Ty and Seriya. I felt my head tilt in curiosity. Well, then. That’s not weird.

Ty and Sei were both looking around, occasionally stopping to say something to each other, and then return to their search. They looked the same way Tristan did when she was looking for them yesterday. Lost and confused. Okay, so maybe… No… Tristan is fine. Perfectly fine.

 The rest of the school day, I was thinking about Tristan. Maybe she was just late to school; or maybe turned crazed like the rest of the townspeople. So, I should lay off the caffeine in the mornings, because I am coming to unfair conclusions! I took the bus, but got off at an earlier stop so I could walk a little bit more today. Walking helped to clear my head, so I tried to do it as much as possible.

By the time I reached my house, I was thirty minutes later than I usually am, but it worked perfectly, because my mind was clear of all thoughts of Tristan… Well, sort of.

I opened my front door and was greeted by my Kait right at the door.

The close proximity of her made me jump back a little, “Oh. Uh, hello?” I said awkwardly.

My sister and I are close, but we never once hugged in our years together. We had more of a friend’s relationship that a sibling one.

Kait just looked at me with glazed eyes and her face unnaturally pale. I leaned forward a bit to look more deeply in her eyes. They seemed to move with my movements, but it didn’t look as if she were actually seeing me, “Kaitlyn?”

Kait looked at me with a puzzled expression on her face, and then she slowly turned around and made her way up the stairs. Her movements looked tired and rigid, like they were making her physically weaker. I winced at the pain it must have caused her. I was about to follow her to make sure she was okay, when I heard my mom cuss in the kitchen.

I quickly turned to the kitchen to see my mom bending over a mess of vegetables and juices; her giant chief’s knife was laying on the ground mere centimeters from her uncovered foot. I didn’t hesitate to grab a rag and join her to clean up the mess.

When she saw me, her irritated expression changed and she smiled up at me, “Oh dear, when did you get home?”

“Not even a minute ago.” I smiled.

“I didn’t even hear you get in.” she laughed at herself and continued to clean the mess, but I couldn’t help but notice the vigorous way she went about it.

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