Chapter Four

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I gaped at the girls in front of me. What in the world were they thinking? They can’t just go into that…that vortex without knowing what was on the other side. “That thing could kill you!”

Sei glanced at me briefly before returning her attention to the rock, “If my sister is in there, then I have nothing to lose.”

I didn’t respond, but followed her example. I exhaled slowly. Kait could be in there too, so what do I have to say? I would do anything to protect her and I let her leave. My stomach turned and I felt a wave of nausea hit me. What if she got hurt because of me? What if she was killed because of me? I grasped my stomach at the intensity.

“Hey, Damien, are you okay?” I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder and I didn’t have the energy to shrug it away.

I nodded that I was fine, “It’s just a spell.”

Tristan spun me around to face her, “Are you sure?” Concern was clearly written on her face.

I nodded again, but this time meant it, “Yes, I’m fine. It’s gone.”

Tristan gave me a look, but didn’t press any harder. She turned back to Sei and Ty, who were busy placing orange ties around the trees in the direction in which we came. Ty noticed me watching and gave a small smile, “So we can find it easier later.”

“Later?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Did you think we just found this place for fun? We want to go in there, and soon.” Sei cut in, none too kindly.

I stared at her turned back, and then back to the black hole. It looked dangerous. I could practically feel the death coming off of it. I shook my head at the feeling. It was nothing; I was just freaking myself out again. What if I went with these crazy girls? They all want to go in for their loved ones, well at least Sei did, I wasn’t sure about the others. I could find Kait, and Mom.

Oh God. I’m just like Sei. I felt my heart stop with the realization. I have nothing here, no one. I have nothing to lose with going in that tunnel, I am all alone on this side, and here is an opportunity to get the only ones that have ever been close to me back, and I’m going to pussy out? No.

“I’m coming with.”

The three girls paused what they were doing and all turned to me, their faces showing obvious shock. Tristan especially, although her eyes were swimming with concern where the other two’s were more of excitement. Did they not think I would come with? Isn’t that why Tristan brought me here?

“You don’t have to, Damien.” Tristan insisted, she looked slightly hurt at my suggestion, but I choose to brush it off.

“No one is going to stop me from finding my sister.” My dead stare stopped Tristan from what she was going to say, “Isn’t that why you brought me here?”

Tristan didn’t even try to say anything this time and looked away in shame. I was right, so what did she have to say about it?

“Nice to have you on board then.” Sei actually smiled at me, a genuine smile from what I could tell. She came over to me and rubbed my shoulder, hard enough to make me wince. “We could use your…manly help.”

Me manly? Really? I don’t think so. I was a small build, and I’m pretty sure that even Sei was stronger than me. By the amused look on Sei’s face, I’m pretty sure she knew that too, but I smiled at her anyway.

I will go in that vortex, I will find Mom and Kait, and we will be back here before I can even blink.

Or so I hoped so.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2013 ⏰

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