Chapter 21

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Nedak's P.O.V.
I fort off as much as I could. Crazy wouldn't stop talking to her self.

"I guess your Nedak the shadow." The 'navi' guy said coming over to me.

"Your Navi the genius." I said chopping a ninja in half. He nodded.

"Yep, ever done this before?" I shook my head.

"Duck!" I ducked and Crazy's switchblade went flying past my head, hitting a ninja on the way though. Crazy waved her hand and the switchblade came flying back. Navi had lightsabers and he was enjoying killing the ninjas. Then the ninjas disappeared.

"Aww, where'd the ninjas go?" Navi asked looking around.

"Check your friend." The voice boomed and began to laugh. I looked over at Crazy. She was holding herself up with her sword, multiple stab wounds in her chest, stomach, hip, etc.

"That's not good." Crazy laughed.

"Ya think?!" I could see she was in pain.

"What do we do?" Navi said running over.

"Just fight each other. Don't worry about..." She disappeared. Her body just disappeared. I looked over at Navi.

"Fight!" I grabbed my swords, and charged at Navi, he blocked my attack.

"I've won this battle before. Come at me." Navi said smiling. Not just any smile. I dropped my swords.

"I forfeit!" I paused.

"Cry." Navi laughed and his morphed into Cry.

"Very smart. But your friend is still dead." I shrugged.

"She was annoying anyway." Cry's face dropped. If only I had a camera.

"You-You don't care?"

"No, not really." Cry just stood there shocked.

"Not one tiny bit?" I shook my head.

"Nope." I looked behind me. I knew something wasn't right.
"Crazy can be annoying." A little voice inside my head said. It was Crazy's shadow!

"I see you've had your fun." Cry lifted a lightsaber and pushed it though my chest.

"See you in the other side..." I gave into the darkness.

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