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"Hey....Jim?" Whispers Josh, the man who works in the cubicle next to him in the office he works at.

Jim is currently sleeping, heavily, after another late night of watching endless hours of TV after work. Yep that's Jim's life. He wakes up at 6am and gets the bus to work because he can't afford a car, missing breakfast again. He arrives at work and sits in his cubicle for 8 hours then goes back home with fish and chips and watches TV for endless hours.

Jim mumbles in his sleep, not happy about being disturbed when he was dreaming. He lifts his head off of his keyboard and opens his eyes slightly. His vision was dancing colours, pinks, greens and yellows, making him instantly re-close his eyes.

"Jim...wake up!" Whispers Josh again, this time shaking Jim's shoulder repeatedly. This time Jim gets the message and he sits up straight, rubbing his eyes. He looks over towards Josh who was holding 2 cups of coffee in his hand.

"I got you some coffee. Here" says Josh, handing Jim the hot brew that will definitely wake him up. He must have fallen asleep again. Jim nods to say thank you and returns to his work.

He always falls asleep at work. To Josh, its a fixed routine of his everyday life. Get Jim a coffee to wake him up. Josh wasn't really Jim's 'friend', but he was a nice guy who accepted who Jim was. No-one in the office accepted who Jim was. He's the black sheep.

Gay. That's what Jim is. He isn't ashamed of it, even though it kind of did ruin his life. His family was a strict, Christian family who kicked Jim out when they first had the chance. Jim found a way. Moved into a crappy apartment, bought a dog called Sebastian and eats fish a chips every night whilst watching The Walking Dead.

Jim takes a sip of his hot coffee, and turns on his monitor once again to get on with his daily work. He sighs aloud, frustrated with himself for letting himself fall asleep at work. He doesn't expect Josh to bring him coffee everyday, and he never really does thank him for it.

He can hear Josh type away on his computer in the cubicle next to him. Josh always gets his work done. That's why he's getting promoted next week; then some other strange guy will work in that cubicle and won't bring him coffee anymore. Jim sighs aloud once again.

His life is shit.


At the end of his shift, Jim had done about a half days work. He kept drifting off, and Josh had to keep re-waking him. He didn't say thank you. I guess he never says thank you. No wonder Jim has no friends. Well one - his dog, but other people wouldn't class dogs as friends. But Sebastian is a friend to Jim.

Jim walks through the double doors of his office building, the cold English breeze hitting him instantly. He walks around the block corner when he sees his bus in the distance. Instead of coming to pick him up its driving in the opposite direction. He missed his bus - again. Jim runs a hand through his hair and closes his eyes. He wants to cry. He wishes his life was better. He wished he had anything to make his life at least 1% better.

Jim sighs aloud, condensation leaving his mouth. He picks himself up and heads in the direction of home. He walks at a fast pace. Everyone in London walks at a fast pace. He walks with his hands inside his red raincoat pockets - his favourite raincoat. His sister gave him that raincoat.

He misses her a lot.

2 years ago, Jim's sister Emma was diagnosed with lung cancer. She died a year later. She was the only one of his family to have eventually accepted who Jim was, and they were close.

Very close.

You wouldn't expect there to be any homophobes in London, and especially in 2016, but there are more than you think. Jim has to go through homophobic comments everyday within his work place, and the bad thing is, he can't report it to his boss as she's a homophobe too!

Life is great!


Once Jim arrives back at his apartment, he notices a small package on the floor of his hallway. Mail? Jim never gets mail. He places the fish a chips he got earlier on the kitchen counter and he picks up the mysterious package. He doesn't hesitate to rip into it immediately, only then to have the biggest grin on his face.

He won. He actually won the tickets to see the Phantom Of The Opera - his favourite opera. A few months back, Jim signed up to win tickets to see Phantom Of The Opera in the Opera House, London. He didn't expect to win. I guess it was just a small way of blowing off steam. Maybe he should invite Josh to come along with him? I mean, Jim does have 2 tickets!

Jim jumps into the air, his ticket tightly tucked in the palm of his hand.

Finally, something is going his way.

Hey guys. This is a new sheriarty fanfiction that I'm writing. Hope you liked the prologue! Please write in the comments what you think of the description and where you think this fanfiction should go.

Also, if you haven't already, please read my other sheriarty fan fiction. It's called the devil in me, and its going really well so far.

Hope you liked the chapter


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