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The crowd has been chanting since the room was dimmed. Thomas and Ryan took a couple minutes of drum and bass rolls to give the perfect vibes in the room. Beatrice checked on Connor. Violet and Riley fought about what to eat after the show. I just laid my head on Toby's chest. Fit our heartbeats to the same rhythm. The loud sound slowly vanished. Only us and our heart's beating next to each other.

"Are you ready to meet them?"


"You're mine." He squeezed me much tighter.

"Glad I am." I whispered.

It's the time. They got up on stage and danced around with the cheers from the crowd. Us girls were standing by the green room for latter appearance upon the crew's notice.

"In two minutes." Taylor checked on us.

"Thank you." Violet nodded.

"Are you guys nervous?" I stared at the mirror. "Because I am."

"I was there in your position before. But they're very supportive. Knowing you're the one Toby's chosen, they'll respect you." Beatrice hugged me. "You're beautiful Lei."

"Beautiful enough?" I bowed my head.

"Beyond expected." Violet joined. "Heck, for once, please trust us."

"Hahaha. Thank you."

I took a deep breath, gave a little peek to the main stage out there. It was a packed night in Minneapolis. I didn't know what to expect. They might love me, or threw me with stuff for being a public disappointment.

"My girlfriend, Beatrice!" Connor pulled her out from the backstage's black curtain.

"Mine, Violet!" Riley grabbed Violet from my side.

Head over heels. My stomach was about to explode. I wanted to vomit.

"And the one you haven't met before. My angel, Loaine." Toby held my waist and led me to the center of the stage.

Everyone laid their eyes on me. Head to toe. I tried to smile from Toby's arm. This was where the statement was made. Time to show a good impression. I hope my eyes were showing enough excitement. I hope my gesture was not too much. I hope they liked me.

"Are you the fake girlfriend?" One of them shouted loudly when the room was in a dead silence mode because everyone was still staring at me.

I glimpsed at Toby. He mouthed, he got this.

"Okay. I don't want to cover up anymore lies. It's too much to say she's a fake girlfriend but she was, once, having intention to help me get the gossip straight. You know it's hard for me, my brothers here, family and friends to accept the fact that people questioning me. So I met Loaine. We're paired as a team. All went good."

Toby stopped. He stared at me, stroked my hair, kissed my forehead and continued.

"But then I know I would lose so much if I ever let her go by the time the contract says enough. So I..."

The room was dark and silent until the fans started cheering. They yelled my name. They agreed on Toby. They appreciated my existence.

"See? They like you." Beatrice whispered from Connor's side.

"Welcome to the family." Violet giggled.

"So this is us, guys!" Connor took over the microphone and spoke to the crowd.

"Loaine! Loaine! Loaine! Loaine!" They held up the posters with my name on it that apparently were all prepared, alongwith some cute edited pictures of me and Toby.

"Being a fake girlfriend isn't that bad, don't you think?" Toby pecked my lips.

"Ooooh PDA! I'm telling Mom!" Riley messed around on stage when he saw us kissing.

"Shut up bro, I'm 17." Toby took the joke.

"And not legal yet." Connor added.

"With Loaine?" Toby winked at me. "Who the hell cares."

I joined the crowd and their hard laughter. It was an amazing feeling to be accepted and appreciated among these people who literally would die to be where I was today. They probably needed Toby more than I ever did. They've been here for him way earlier than me.

But maybe I should also appreciate myself. When something happens, it happens. It's just meant to be. Whether it's fake or not when we started it,

Like Toby said,

Who the hell cares :)

FAKE GIRLFRIEND Where stories live. Discover now