Chapter 2

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Chapter ~2

Lecum walked towards me with a black piece of cloth. 

"Is this really necessary?" Aaron asked. 

"She can't see where we are going." Lecum wrapped the cloth around my head and tied it. "Take off her boots." 

"Why?" Aaron asked. 

"Because I said so!" Lecum thundered and Aaron did as he was told. Lecum just wanted to make me suffer, so he took away the last bit of comfort I had. My feet were cold in an instant. 

"Now lead her." Lecum said to Aaron. Even in the darkness I could tell some details of where we were. I could hear the birds and smell the grass. I heard carriages and horses. The grass turned to cobble stone and I knew we had entered some sort of village or kingdom. 

​Then the cloth was removed, I found myself in a large thrown room surrounded by my captors. All of them bowed to one knee but I remained standing. The floors were silver and rich red curtains hung down everywhere in the room. My eyes were instantly drawn to the huge silver thrown at the front of the room, then swiftly to the man who was seated in it. He wasn't very old, he was maybe thirty, and he had red hair. Unlike mine, which was a diluted mixture of red and brown, his hair looked like an orange and red fire. It was his icy blue eyes, however, that made me feel like I was pinned to the floor like a butterfly. Desperate to show no weakness, I kept my face blank and lifeless. 

"Ahah!" He laughed and when he stood, so did everyone else. "You must be Kanella. The rumors prove true. You certainly are as beautiful as the sun." The fact that I couldn't read his thoughts made me nervous. I shot him a fiery glare but he just laughed. "And as rough as tree bark." He walked towards me and didn't stop until he towered over me. With a wicked smile, he ran his fingers through my hair. I spit into his face. The laughter in his eyes died quickly and with speed like a lion he reached out and snagged my hair. 

"You will learn your place. For even fire will be tamed under its master." 

"You don't own me." 

"Oh but you are wrong. You are mine." Something evil flashed in his eyes and it caused me to shiver. 

"Take her away." He stepped back and flicked his hand. Lecum cut off my bindings quickly. Then he and another guard grabbed either arm and hosted me off the ground. Though I kicked and tried to wrench my arms free, they carried me swiftly out of the thrown room, down some stairs and tossed me into a cell. I threw myself towards the opening only to be stopped by the wooden door when it slammed shut. The bolt thudded into place and I knew I was locked in. The only light came from the moon that shone through half of a window. The stones were cold and rough against my bare feet. There was a bed of hay stuffed into some sheets chained into the wall with a small thin blanket on it. A small pot sat over in a corner and I didn't want to think of its use. I'm glad I hadn't had anything to eat or drink in a while. The sound of a carriage ran by my window. I clamber over to it and trusted my fingers out the bars. 

"Help!" I called over and over but there was no answer. The bolt unlocked and I turned quickly. The bright light hurt my eyes and I squinted into it. A woman came into my cell. She carried a tray of food and set it down on the cold ground. 

"Please!" I cried, clasping my hands around her arm. She pushed me off and then the door closed. I slumped to the ground and looked at the food. There was a cold biscuit, an apple, and a tin of water. I took a bite of the apple but spit it out. The biscuit was too hard to bite into. The water was bitter but I drank it all. Shivering, I curled up on the bed, used one of my arms as a pillow, and pulled the blanket over me. Exhaustion overcame me and I was pulled into sleep. 

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