Chapter 3

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Chapter ~3

"Well Kanella, now you know the secret. There are other gifted ones out there. Or there was. Now the only two left are you and Tucken." A sick feeling formed in the middle of my stomach when I thought about what he meant. It worsened when I thought about Landon. He really was gone then. A crushing feeling overcame me. Panic rose in my throat and I coughed. 

"What happened to the others?" I asked. I saw Tucken's jaw clench. 

"They're dead." Lucifer said, taking a sip of his drink. "There were three other boys and a girl. I don't normally condone killing young girls but she was too young to have been any use. Tucken here killed the boys." 

I glanced at Tucken in shock and saw a steely look in his eyes. 

"You made me." Tucken said through clenched teeth. "It was kill or be killed." Lucifer laughed. 

"Yes it was. And what fun it was to watch!" 

He made me sick. Killing people for the sport. 

"Now, you must be wondering why you and him are here, aren't you, Kanella?" When I didn't answer, he continued talking. "Tucken was picked because, obviously, he was the one who survived. You didn't even have to fight anyone! You got lucky in being the only female left of your kind." 

"Lucky me." I murmured under my breath. 

"You two must get to know each other better. Every day for three hours you two will be subjected to meet in the library together. Spend some time together. Also, you two will eat breakfast and lunch together. Not in here, though." He smiled wickedly. 

"I just had the most splendid idea! Since Tucken, here, already knows why you both are here. I will let him tell you why! Tucken," he looked at Tucken, "you get to decide when to tell her." Lucifer smiled devishly. "And on that note, we must retire. See you both at dinner tomorrow." And then he was gone. I stared straight ahead and Tucken shifted his weight. My head was spinning from all the information that I had just been told and part of me was yearning for Tucken. Get a grip, Kanella. You don't even know him. Tucken stood up quickly, walked over to my chair, and knelt before it. 

"I am sorry." He apologized, trying to look into my eyes. I stared straight ahead.  

"Why are you apologizing? You didn't kidnap me." 

"No. But I am sorry that you are stuck in this, like I am." 

"Stuck in what? No one has told me anything." 

"I do not think anyone wants to tell you because they would rather pretend it is not happening." 

"What is happening, Tucken?" 

"Would you care to take a walk with me?" He stood up quickly. I glanced around at the guards that surrounded the room. "Or shall I accompany you to your room?" 

"That would suffice." I said as he took my arm. 

"Where are you from, Tucken? And what is your gift? I apologize if that is forward of me to ask. We turned to walk down the corridor towards my room. 

"I am from Ridgewain. My king is King Natum. He controls the land from the Tipwain Mountains to the Lentin Mountians. No apology needed. My gift is that I can actually move things with my mind. I can see peoples' hearts desires and their biggest fears.  

"What is it like in Ridgewain? Does King Natum control you and use you for his bidding as my father did me?"  

"Ah, yes. He would use me as a body guard because I could deflect things away from him and then, when he needed, he would send me out to either scare someone into submission or con them into it. What is your gift, Ms. Kanella?" 

I jolted back, slightly. The idea of telling Tucken scared me. I had never actually told anyone what my gift was. I never told the King because surely he would use me more than he already did. I never really told Landon either. He just more found out one day. As I unlocked my room door I contemplated telling Tucken. He told me his, didn't he? He wouldn't have if he found me untrustworthy. It is so hard not being able to hear his thoughts to know his true intentions. But then again, I wouldn't want him hearing mine either. Once we were inside my room, I closed the door and locked it. 

"Besides the usual ability of being able to read minds," 

"You can read minds?" He asked, his face looking quite shocked. 

"Well, yes. Can't you?" 

"No. I cannot." He leaned back against the wall and looked at me. 

"What?" I asked. 

"What am I thinking?" He asked. I reached out to touch his mind and found it blank. Confused, I looked at him. 

"I can't read it with you blocking me." 

"What do you mean, Kanella?" 

"Well, for one, would you call me Kani?" He nodded, with a small smile. 

"Of course, Kani." 

"You are blocking me from entering your mind. It is a mechanism all gifted people are given." 

"Well how do I stop?" 

"I don't know. Landon always..." I stopped. Tucken looked at me with sad eyes.  

"Landon always would just let it down when he wanted too." 

"Landon was you'r-" 

"Yes. Landon was my friend. But he was murdered. By the men who kidnapped me." 

"I'm sorry." Tucken said, his face sad. He reached out his hand to touch my arm but I jerked away from him quickly. My cheeks burned in embarrassment. 

"I wouldn't hurt you." Tucken said softly. "And I don't want you to be afraid of me." I saw the pity in his eyes which angered me. I didn't need his pity.. I just needed to escape.

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