Chapter 1

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I can't remember when I first noticed that I wasn't normal. I'm not sure that there even was a set moment when I knew. It wasn't when my brother accused me of stealing his thoughts. It was way before that. It was from the moment I was born. Anyone who talks to me will never look me in the eyes. My eyes scare them. One eye is a deep blue and the other a light mossy green with orange sparkling in it. All around me, I could hear people's thoughts. I knew what everyone was thinking while they thought it.

There she is.

They would think towards me.

Just look at her. All hunched over, trying to hide from everyone. She can never hide from what she is.

I worked hard to ignore peoples' mean thoughts and ugly glares. I'd fold into myself and try to pretend I was somewhere else. There wasn't any place for me to escape people in our kingdom. My family tried to pretend I didn't exist.

I wouldn't really call us a family. Brian, the man my mom married after I was born, hires people to take care of my friend and I, while he commands the King's army. They aren't really there to raise us though, more there to guard us to make sure none of the daily attempts on our lives are successful. My mom died when I was seven in a fire that was meant to have killed me. My sister, Lilly, and brother, Charles, died with her. Then there is Landon, my dearest and closest friend. He is two years older than me. He raised me more than Brian did. Landon has blond hair and he's gifted like me. He has one dark brown eye and one green eye, while I have reddish brown hair and my blue-green eyes. People are afraid of us, because our eyes symbolize a time when our people were hunted down to be killed. They fear us for they know we have the power to kill any of them and control them. And we're the King's pets. Landon has been used by the King longer than I have. I've only been used since I've come of age. He uses us to make people submit to his will. I dread when his guards come to my room and tell me the King summons us to his throne room. King Abrum of the Kingdom of Sesenik is my father by blood. Landon and I share what the King calls the Gift. I think of it as more of a curse. Landon and I are the last of our kind. We have power and more beauty than anyone person should ever be able to hold. I hate the gift. He thinks that being able to control everyone and being absolutely beautiful is our right. I just wish I was normal.

Mostly, King Abrum has me go collect money men owe him. If I can't convince them with my beauty and body, Landon uses his mind to control them into giving us the money. Landon resists the guards every time they come to get us. He hates what Abrum makes us do as much as I do. It never stops them though.


Knocking at a door woke me up from my sleep and I started at the sharpness of the cold air. 

"Kanella?" I heard Landon whisper from across the room behind the wooden door that connects our rooms. Pulling my silky robe around me tighter, I climbed out of bed. The coldness of the floor was a great contrast against my warm bed. I tiptoed over to a door that was hidden by a curtain, pulled open the bolt that kept it locked, and opened the door quietly. 

"Yes, Landon?" I whispered back. "Do you need something?" Before I realized it, he was in my room and the door was closed and locked again. 

"What are you doing?" I asked, suspiciously as he sat on my bed. He looked up at me with a sad look in his beautiful mesmerizing eyes, so much like mine. 

"Come here." He held out his hand. I took it gently and sat down next to him. 

"I hate Abrum." Landon said fiercely, inspecting my hand. I sighed and pulled my hand away from his. 

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