- Chapter Fourteen -

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I walk in the store and am almost blinded by the sparkle of thousands of rings all precisely placed in glass cabinets. I have to squint to block out all of the bright glare. I'm so glad that I'm shopping for a ring for a male. Poor Peeta. Going through all of this obnoxious bling for me. Such a sweet boy.

"Hello," I hear a soft voice say. I look up at the front desk and see a petite woman smiling at me. Her thin black hair goes well with her navy blue button up blouse. Her small figure is hidden by the large cash register in front of her. I didn't even notice her when I walked in.

"Good morning," I say, walking closer to the woman, examining her more closely. I'm shocked at how clear and flawless her skin is. It doesn't even seem like she's wearing any makeup. The shine and color of her hair is so beautiful, it doesn't even look natural.

"Are you here to buy a ring?" She asks, placing her hands on the desk. They're so small and delicate. As if a single touch could break her fingers in an instant. I'm also surprised that the woman doesn't know about the wedding. It doesn't even seem like she knows who I am.

"Yes. For my fiancé." I reply.

"Congratulations," she says, walking over to one of the glass cabinets lined up against the wall. I follow her and am amazed at how quiet her steps are. She's almost as silent as me.

"Most women in 12 don't have enough money to buy their husband a ring," she says, opening the cabinet to the far left.

"I've got a couple extra dollars," I say, "And Peeta and I have been through a lot. He deserved a ring."

"Peeta?" She says. "Blonde, strong boy? He bought your ring here too. I made that." She says, pointing to my finger. And then I realize that she really doesn't know who I am. How is that possible?

"It's beautiful," I say. "Thank you,"

"My pleasure," she says quietly. "Here's all the rings I have for you to choose from."

A display case with about 20 rings is placed in my hands. She was right. A lot of women don't buy their fiancés rings. It's kind of surprising. I wonder if my mother bought my father a ring. Doubt it. Him being a coal miner and all probably just covered one ring, let alone two.

"Not many options," I laugh, examining each and every one. The woman says nothing.

Each ring looks the same. Most of them made of silver. No color. No creativity at all. These would bore Peeta.

"These are all you have?" I ask the woman.

"There is one more," she says, walking into the back room. I just have to pray that this last ring is perfect for Peeta. There's no way I'm buying him one of those other ones. When she comes back into the main room, I am definitely not disappointed.

The color of the ring immediately intrigues me. It's gold. And beautiful. For a quick moment, the ring catches a ray of light and the exact color of a dandelion in full bloom appears. It's absolutely perfect for Peeta. After all, he is my dandelion in the spring.

"This is the only other one that we have," the woman says.

"I love it," I say immediately. She nods and brings the small leather box to her desk.

"What is your name," I ask her suddenly. I expect her to jump at how unexpectedly loud I was, but she doesn't move a muscle.

"Sapphire," she mutters, as if she's embarrassed. That's definitely a Capitol name. She must be from there, but she doesn't dress like it at all. That would explain her flawless skin and perfect hair, though. But nothing else about her screams "Capitol."

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