Chapter 13 - Sparks & Party

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I woke up with my mind feeling hazy; my thoughts from the previous night were completely blurred and faded. Where the fuck even was I?

I sat up slowly, realising I was in Party Poison's room. Except the usual figure of Party Poison wasn't in bed beside me, he must already be up somewhere.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to wake myself up, but with the paining headache that pounded my mind, it was no use. I felt completely, and utterly shit.

I still had my jeans and t-shirt on from the previous night. Slipping on my boots and tugging on my leather jacket, I left Party Poison's colourful, bright room.

As I walked out into the main part of the diner, Party Poison was the only person in the room. The tension in the room made me cringe, there was awkward atmosphere, I could feel it. What had happened last night?

"Morning." I said to Party Poison, despite my headache I felt somewhat relieved I was finally going to get my bike fixed. It was about time I got back out on the road.

Instead of Party Poison usually greeting me back, he simply nodded before turning his back on me. What the fuck?

"We gonna' fix the bike today?" I asked pushing Party's weird actions aside for now.

"Mm." Party grunted, walking out into the trans am with out another word. Confused was an understatement at the moment, what the fuck was his deal? What had I done or said last night that had Party acting so fucked? I more or less remembered everything- we played odds on, drank, danced a bit but then what? I remember stepping outside to get some air but then what the fuck happened?

I replayed memories, trying my hardest to remember what had happened, but it was no use. Whatever happened though, it must have been bad. I feel like it wasn't in Party's nature to just completely cut someone off as he just did to me. Or was it? Truth was, I didn't even know much about the redheaded leader.

I continued trying on replaying memories on what had happened last night, but it was no use. My mind was utterly hazy.

I sighed defeated, walking out the back of the diner to retrieve my broken down bike which still stood firmly in the sand where I had left it a few days back. I took it off its stand and began wheeling it over to the trans am. I saw Party sat in the front seat, playing with his ray gun.

With no help from Party, I somehow managed to get the bike into the backseat of the trans am. Closing the back door, I walked around the back and got into the front seat beside the stubborn redhead.

I closed the door behind me and with out a word, Party started the engine, putting the car into gear and speeding off down the dusty old highway.

"So what's the deal?" I broke the silence between Party and I. Party Poison looked directly ahead, not bothering to look at me. There was a small scowl on his face, which actually scared me. Surely I couldn't have pissed him off that badly could I?

"Do you even remember anything last night?" Party muttered out, his poker face still clouding his features, his tone slightly harsh.

"Actually I do." I began to defend myself. "We drank, danced, played odds on then I went outside and-" I stopped dead in my sentence, the memories after I went outside flooding back. I hadn't remembered anything after that until now, it's like something triggered inside of me.

I remembered crying, Party comforting me, the kiss, and then passing out. Oh Christ Party and I kissed? Well that fucked everything then, no wonder he was so angry with me. If someone kissed me out of nowhere I'd probably feel somewhat angry. But the thought of Party and I kissing made my heart skip a beat. Even if I can barely remember it, I liked it. Thinking about it made heat rise to my face, so I instantly snapped out of it, directing my attention on anything apart from Party Poison.

Party begun slowing down the trans am, bringing it to a complete stop.
"I'm sorry I did that... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or whatever, we can forget about the whole thing or you can leave if things are weird now, I don't know." Party spoke lowly, looking out into the desert horizon.

"What?" I questioned. I didn't understand what Party meant, didn't I kiss him?

"I'm sorry for kissing you okay? It was out of line." Party said now getting defensive.

"Why would you even think I'd leave over that? What do you think I am? Made of glass? Do you think I'm just going to break over stupid shit like that?" I spoke angrily; I don't even know why I was so riled up. It was hot, I had a bitch of a hangover and Party's piss poor attitude wasn't helping me.

"No I don't-" Before I could let Party finish his sentence, I unstrapped my seat belt, leant over the gearstick and clutch. Out of anger, I grabbed his stupid face in my hands and crashed my lips onto his. At first it was an angry kiss, but it soon turned into a very heated, passionate one. His hands gripped my face and we stayed like that for a while, our lips moving against each other's forcefully in sync. The kiss was desperate and heated from both ends. Eventually though, I pulled away first.

"If you haven't realised, I like you a lot, you big fucking idiot. Something like that isn't gonna' make me leave anytime soon. Sucks for you, you and your mates are stuck with me." I said looking into Party's eyes when we pulled away, a grin tugging at my lips.

"Now drive, I wanna' get this thing fixed already." I urged Party to start up the trans am, we're wasting time out here. And plus, dracs are known to patrol around this time in the zones, this could potentially dangerous.

Party Poison stared at me in shock, quickly leaning closer to me stealing one last kiss, which I happily returned.

"Sorry sunshine, I had to do it one more time." Party grinned before starting the engine, and speeding down the desert highway.

After a few minutes of driving, I turned to the redhead. "So, we're alright?" I asked hopefully, I've realised Party and I work best when we were okay, in comparison to when we fought, it's like as if a time bomb has been ignited. It's better to be cool with people, why live life holding grudges and being miserable?

'Isn't that what you do though?' A small voice spoke in my mind. Pushing the thought I side, I focussed back to Party Poison who was grinning, looking straight ahead.

"Course we are Sparks." He said using the nickname for me he picked up recently.

We drove in silence for a small while interrupted. It was a comfortable silence, that was of course until I spotted something out of the rear view mirror. "Is that?-" I begun to speak, pointing into the mirror.

Party looked up and swore loudly, stepping harder on the acceleration.


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