Chapter 20 - Welcome To The Black Parade

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( QUICK AUTHOR NOTE: This chapter is probably gonna' fuck a couple of you up so just prepare yourselves for emotional trauma :----) this chapter really messed me up writing it ok I hope all you tumbleweeds enjoy xx )

I woke up dressed in a black uniform. I was in a random street, there was dust everywhere and no matter how hard I tried looking for clues as to where I was, I couldn't seem to find any.

My body felt weak, but not as weak as it once was. My head felt dizzy, yet it didn't ache. In fact, now that I thought about it I couldn't feel anything. I felt completely numb, a sensation that was odd to me. Where the hell was I?

I could hear the faint tapping of a marching drum, and then suddenly a float came into view. I took baby steps to the float approaching, feeling weak and broken. As it came closer, I could see a whole group of people marching alongside the float, all dressed in similar dark shades of reds and blacks. I couldn't make out anyone's faces as they were all wearing masks and hid their identity. They almost resembled dark versions of the usual brightly dressed killjoys. As the float came closer, I saw a few people standing on top of the float, when my eyes became focused and I could now clearly see who was leading the parade. The people I saw before me had me shocked.

"Party?" I whispered walking closer to the people who stood proudly in front of the crowd. The usual redheaded killjoy had bright white locks of hair, similar to Crash Cola who worked at The Triffid, except Party's hair was far much shorter than Crash's, I barely even recognised him. 

The leader was significantly more paler, his sunken eyes and cheekbones almost scaring me. He looked like death itself. It was then I realised the other killjoy's stood beside Party Poison.

Jet Star was to Party's right; he looked a lot more dead looking which scared me. Kobra Kid was to Party's left; his usual blonde hair was stripped back do dark brown, and he as well-looked dead. Fun Ghoul was on the far left, he had shorter hair then I remember, and wore a nose and a lip piercing. He as well, looked dead. The Killjoy's all wore the same black uniform as I did, while they wore trouser pants, I looked down to find a black skirt hung around my upper legs.

"Spark?" Party asked jumping down from the float to take a closer look at me. "Oh god, oh god, oh god." Party spoke worried, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Party- where are we?" I stuttered, the surroundings confusing the fuck out of me.

"Spark I hoped I wouldn't see you here." Party said turning away rubbing his temples.

"Party, what's going on?" I hastily asked, this whole situation was starting to scare me. Party didn't reply straight away, his body stiffening. It's as if he was wondering how to word what he was about to say next.

"Spark... you're dead." Party said turning back to me, holding my face in his cold, pale hands. "I'm so sorry." He whispered, staring into my wide eyes.

"Wh- What?" I blurted out. Did he just say I was dead?

"It's a lot to take in, but this is what happens when you die." Party said gesturing around him. "This parade brings you to the other side, we're gonna bring you to either heaven or hell." Party spoke nervously while gripping my hand tightly and not leaving my side.

My mouth was slightly agape, tears beginning to cloud my eyes. With out thinking I ran into Party Poisons arms. He held me for a while, allowing me to get my emotions out.

"Wha- what happened to me?" I stuttered out through sobs.

"You bled out kid. Those motherfucking dracs beat you a bit too hard." Fun Ghoul's voice spoke, his hand now placed on my back in comfort. When I looked up all the boys were down beside me, this was so much for me to take in.

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