Chapter 24 - The Industry

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"She looks so peaceful while she sleeps, right soldiers?" Korse looked at the limp girl, a hunger lingering behind his eyes. A couple of dracs who stood behind Korse began to snicker at his words. Not that they understood the joke entirely, they were after all, drugged up to the nines.

Korse had no remorse towards the blood that spilled from the red haired girl that lay before him, he knew she could take it. Her kind were known to be fighters, and the leader of the Better Living Industries wanted to see how much further he could push her limits.

The exterminator had the girl, or as she's known in the zones 'Suicide Spark' captured for a total of 6 days, 22 hours and 49 consecutive minutes. Since the moment she stepped into the main tower in Batter City, he had given the girl hell. With daily beatings, injections, drug dosages and blood collections that she would no doubt forget about due to the drugs, it was safe to say this girl could endure almost anything thrown in her way. Which of course, was an obvious trait in her kind.

Now that The Exterminator was certain she was of a different species to the common killjoy, he could now move onto stage two of his operation. Of course, the girls' eyes and hair was a huge give away. However, Korse always needed to be 100% sure before moving onto the next step, there was after all only so many of their kind, and Korse needed every one of them alive.

Each day the girl woke up, she would endure violence until her body gave in once again, which is when they would inject the girl with the industry-approved drugs. These drugs tampered with the human mind, making memories fade and nightmares heighten. In no time the girl would forget all about her time spent in the desert, making her one of Korse's most prized possessions along with other's of her kind.

Any other normal person would be most likely dead by now. With the blood loss, broken bones and more, no average human could endure torture like this, day in, and day out. This is what made Korse so certain the girl was definitely one of them.

"You are all dismissed. That will be all for tonight, soldiers." Korse instructed the dracs that stood nearby, while he smirked at nothing in particular.

At the exterminators command, the dracs began flooding out of the cell floors, Korse following the soldiers. Securely locking the door with his industry key, Korse found himself staring at the defeated girl. Before moving down the corridor, he turned to the girl who was currently lying down on the makeshift mattress supplied in the prison cell, bleeding heavily onto the white sheets and all over her white uniform.

There were patches of fresh blood also evident on the prison walls showing the fun Korse's dracs had previously had with her, of course she would never be able to realise it was in fact her own blood coating the walls. The constant drugs Korse was injecting into the girl's system would make it almost impossible for her to remember the events.

Seeing the gruesome state of the girl, others would cringe and see the acts as inhuman, however Korse had bigger plans for the girl. She would be the key the industry needs to eradicate every killjoy wandering the zones.

"So long and goodnight, Willow."

The exterminator made his way out of the empty cellblock. There were three floors dedicated to Korse's prisoners, the floor he was currently on is where he kept his more valuable subjects, hence the girl being locked away on this floor.

Korse began walking towards his office on the top floor. All seemed normal as the head exterminator wandered up the higher levels of his building- that was until an alarm began blaring through the exterminator's ears. While each category had different sounding alarms, this alarm had a different ring to it. Korse recognised this alarm to be the intruder alarm.

Changing his route completely, the exterminator quickly paced to the security department which was located a few doors down from the main corridor, curiosity striking him.

Rebels in particular always attempt to raid Battery City, however none were daring enough to intrude the main tower, Korse knew only one killjoy who would be stupid enough to do that. The killjoy Korse had in mind had bright crimson hair, an arrogant attitude, and an apparent death wish.

Entering various numbers to access the surveillance room, Korse entered the room with ease. The room was large with multiple screens displaying every inch of the building's corners; nothing went unseen within this structure.

A scowl formed on Korse's face when he saw who caught his eye on one of the screens. It was hard to miss the annoyingly obvious red hair and group of monkeys following him.

Party Poison.

It was only a matter of time- however this information made a smug grin form on Korse's tired features. So the leader of the four did care for the girl? It was obvious to see, however Korse's suspicions were now officially confirmed. The exterminator could use this valuable information to his advantage in the future, or extremely soon perhaps.

"Are we to exterminate the rebels, sir?" A monotone voice spoke behind a drac mask. Korse stayed silent for a moment, a self-assured grin occupying his sickly features.

"No." Korse began, turning away from the television screen, ordering the dracs and scarecrows now gathered around to stand down.

"We will let them take the girl, then let the girl kill them off for us."

(A/N: Sorry if this chapter was confusing, this chapter's meant to be set before the fabulous for rescued Spark from Battery City. ALSO, I just spent the past hour legitimately crying over mcr like there are literal tears in my eyes rn )

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