The Starship Ranger

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Imagine. You've been working in a little music shop for a few months. You were pretty happy in this job, it was cool. You were alone at the shop one afternoon. No coworkers and unfortunately no customers either. You were just chilling, your head posed in your hands on the counter. You heard the sound of the door and a guy entered. He looked familiar. Something told you you've seen this face somewhere and the huge fangirl cries that some girls were doing outside of the shop made you guess he was probably a celebrity. Not a rare thing here in Los Angeles. He addressed you a smile and went to a department. You almost dropped your head on the counter but manage to smile back before he goes. Fuck, he was very cute. Short hair with cute dark curls and a smile which immediatly makes you feel special when it's addressed to you. You waited in your chair, trying desperately to find where you saw that guy. "Excuse me?" you heard in front of you. You raise your head to see the cute guy in front of you. "Yes?" you say as you stand up, putting a smile on your lips. "Can I help you?" you add. "Uhm yeah! I looked for 1989 by Taylor Swift, but there is no more on the showcase so...maybe you got more in stock?" he asks. Now that he was closer, all you could see was his eyes and the color was absolutely captivating. "Sure! I'm gonna check" you say. You were about to go in the stock, but you had to ask.

You stop and come back up the steps. "Sorry, I'm gonna be very annoying right now but uhm...are you kind of a celebrity or something?" you ask. He chuckles. Oh boy, that was the sexiest thing ever. "Uhm I don't know. People seems to like the idea of me being one" he says right into your eyes. "I feel like I've seen you somewhere already" you explain. He was about to tell you where but you stopped him. "No! Don't tell me! Let me find out...". He giggled and shakes his head before looking back at you. You put your finger on your chin and made your best concentration face. "Uhm... You're the new guy in the Diesel Commercials?" you ask. He shaked his head, with that little smirk still on his face. "Fuck. Uhm...oh I know! You're Madonna's new boyfriend?" you joke. He laughed and says "Nope, I'm not". You think for a second and say "You're a Starship Ranger?". Darren opened his eyes widely and leaned on the counter. "You know Starkid?!" he exclaims. "Duh. Of course I know Starkid" you answer with a shrug. He grins widely like he was taking a silly picture. He pointed his face. "Uhm,'re weird" you giggles. "No, look!" Darren laughed and went back to his pose. And then you realize! He cut his hair since and without the glasses, it was hard to recognize him. "You're Harry Potter!" you scream. "I am!" Darren squealed. "Well, it's nice to meet you! I've been a fan of your magic powers for years now!" you explain. "Wow! Thanks! My real name is Darren by the way" he said. He offered you his hand and you shook it. "y/n" you answer. A smile couldn't leave your lips for some reason. "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he winks. You blushed, "Uhm t-thanks. I...I'm gonna go search for your cd" you manage to say and walk to the stock. You searched in the pop records and finally find a box full of Taylor Swift's new album. You took one and go back at the counter.

"Here" you say as you pass him the cd. A 5 dollar bill was on the table. "$16 dollars please" you say. Darren gave you $16 and advanced the $5 bill to you. "And those are for you" he says with a wink. "Thanks" you smile. You were not used to tips. "You're welcome beautiful!" he screams as he left. Wow. That guy. You take the $5 to put it in your pocket and you see a little note under. "TOP SECRET! FOR Y/N" was writing on the front. You reverse the paper to see a number. 'Call me ;) -The Starship Ranger. You smile and put the note on your pocket. Now you knew you were not the only one who felt that spark...

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