Part 3

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 "So you think this guy stalked you?" Nadine said as she eat her ice cream.

"No. No. That's not what I mean. I mean, it's obvious that he's so weird like watching me sleeping and all that." I said shrugged. 

Am I right? Why would in the world you stayed in a spot when someone sleeping, and you're not doing anything, beside watching them sleep, for 2 hours straight and didn't make any movements. Strange.

"Maybe he likes you" Nadine laughed.

"Are you insane, we barely meet eachother twice"

"What if he's a psycho?" Nadine look at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't jump into any conclusion, Nad. I know he's not"

"How do you know?"

"I just know it. He's a weirdo, but not a psycho" I said with a sighed, never in my whole life have a thought Harry is a psycho.

"If you meet him again, it could be a destiny or he's trying to kill you" she tease.

"Why doesn't he kills you first?" I tease back.

"Because I'm better than you, and I'm the one who needs to be safe" she chuckled playfully shoved me by her shoulder.

"Oh really? Prove it" I glare at her, and she smirked.

"I can eat this ice cream with one bite."

"Whoever deplete the ice cream first, she's a winner!"


I opened the door of my house and walk straight into kitchen, Hell I'm exhausted from walking from the park and now I'm so thirsty like I can drink 10 gallons of water.

After I drink cold water that freshed my throats I rushed to the living room and slightly jumped from my spot from what I just saw.

"Mom?" I look at my mom and turn into the boy who kneel in front of my mother
"H-Harry?" I blinked and my jaw dropped. My mom's legs was bleeding and Harry put a bandage there. What is going on?

"What happened with your legs, mom?" I sit beside my mom and looking at her legs. "And why is he here?"

"You guys know each other?" My mom said softly as she glance at me and Harry.

"I-um just know his name. We're in the same school"

"Oh, I see. Nevermind. So I was at the park-"

"You? At the park? When?" I quickly cut her sentence and gasped, what if my mom saw me?

"This noon, I was crossed the road and suddenly Harry's bike lost control, I didn't hear him screaming for me to move fast so he strikes me accidently. He crashed down and my legs bleeding, and Harry insisted to help me to get home.

"It's done Mrs. Anderson" Harry said softly as he glance at me, then give my mother a warmed smile causing his dimples popping from his cheeks.

"Thank you, Harry." I saw my mother smiled.

"No problem." He stood up and quickly grab his bag and jacket that laying on the sofa. "I think I should go now Mrs. Anderson. It was my pleasure to see you. And I'm sorry."

"Lisa, maybe you want to walk Harry to the front door?" My mom raise an eyebrow and winked, I know it's a gesture that I should walk with Harry to the door.

I saw Harry nod respecfully and smile once again to my mother, you know what? he smiling a lot.

"If you meet him again, It could be a destiny or he's trying to kill you"

Nadine's word repeated in my mind, I think it better be a destiny than he's trying to kill me. God, I still have so much goals to achieve. I don't want to die young.

Besides, like what I said he better kill Nadine first, because I won when we had a eating ice cream contest earlier. I still remember Nadine's reaction when she lost hahaha she looks so--

"We're here. Or you want to walk me home too?" Harry's voice break my thoughts.

"Thank you for hit and help my mother" I said sarcastically.

"It was an accident, okay? I'm sorry"

"What are you doing there? In the park?" I curiously asked, my arms folded.

"I-I had something to do there" He walk to his bike and put his helmet, started his engine.

"Are you following me?" My voice somewhat raising.

He turned back and stare at me for a moment.

"I did not." He gave me a serious look 

"Anyway, what are you doing there? I thought the last time I saw you, you were in the class?"

"You know what, I don't even know you're there or you leaving the school. But, what I did there it's none of your damn bussiness."

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes. and turned around back and went inside without even looking back.

I went to the living room and sit opposite from my mother. I slightly saw Harry from my window, riding his bike and slowly disappear out of sight.

He's being different, Heck, I thought when I met him today in the class he's being so funny and kind. I mean, yeah he's good, offering me a food, and quite talkactive. But now, he's kind of slightly changing his mood.What is he doing at the park lately anyway? And how can he accidently hit my mom? 

Maybe it really is an accident, Lis.

"Lisa, what is that?" my mom point at the shiny little things under the sofa.
I quickly bow down and reach it.

"It's a ring?" I said confused.

I try to put it on my finger and to my surprises, it fits! The ring have silver colour with the diamond replica around it, it's so beautiful.

"Maybe it's Harrys" My mom says.

"He probably will come back, if it's his." I said as I stood up and walk upstairs to my room.

I can't help but keep looking at the ring, it's definetely not Harry's. Because this made for a woman, it's a silver gold, and had like 5 little circle diamond in it. There is no way Harry would wear this ring, it's too girly.

I stood up and search for my journal, sadly i can't find my fifth Journal so i had to use the fourth to write my ideas and story. You guys may think that i have Nadine to talk to, but i have a motto. Trust no one.

Except for my Mom, because i know she never lies to me. But the rules goes to my father too, since he likes to jokes anywhere. One day. He gave me a little bones that so small and black, he told me that was a fossil he got from art gallery and he stole it from me, i was so happy and i keep it in my room, until my mom found it and asked me.
"Why did you save dad's tooth?"

Damn it.

I found my Journal and start writing my day here. As soon as i finished writing, i wear the ring again, and go downstairs to dinner, then go back to my room. Then sleep for 8 hours straight, so i won't be late again. Oh, as i recall i have a detention with Mr. Steve. Shit.  


a/n: Hi guys, yo i know it's short but i really appreciate if you would leave with a vote or comment. Now,  i'm busy with college life daaamnnn!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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