Ch. 14 The birth

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Shantel gathered the girls in the living room later on that night and told them.

"So your saying that he totally blew you off?" Erika asked.

"Yeah I'm gonna have to be a single mother."

"No you won't." Felicity buts in, "Well be your post baby daddy."

This earned a laugh from them.

"I bet she's serious tho." Jessie says.

"I am." Felicity says, "We'll be there for you every step of the way."


"As long as I get to be the 1st aunt." Erika said.

"Fine." Shantel said.

They laughed and hugged.

2 months later

"You guys!" Shantel yelled.

"Yeah." Felicity said walking in eating a sundae.

"It's time."

"Your water broke?"

"Yes! Help please."

"Jessie, Erika, come here please! Shantel's water broke!"

"I got it." Jessie said coming in with the baby bag.

Erika ran in and helped Shantel up. Felicity was already making her way to the car.


"Okay Shantel one more big push and your done." Her doctor said.

She did her best to stop screaming but by now her voice was out of it. She had beads of sweat on her forehead and pretty sure she pooped herself. She was honestly done for. But once she sat her baby's face she instantly grew a smile on her face.

She had dirty blond baby hair, brown eyes, Ben's pointy nose, and Shantels perky lips. A perfect combination of the too. They cleaned her and the baby up. Then handed her to Shantel.

"Hey baby girl I'm gonna be your mommy." Shantel managed to say as she held her like she'd break if she moved a certain way.

A tear slipped down Jessie's eye as she watched this touching moment. Meanwhile downstairs in tge waiting room Erika was soon to be getting salty.

Her, Felicity, Isaac, and Drake were all sitting there. They got her stuff for Shantel on the way. Then when somebody decided to show up things got a bit messy.

"You got a lot of nerve showing up here." Erika said crossing her legs.

"How so?" Duke said.

"You know why. She may let you see her but she ain't gonna let you back in now that that baby here."

"Why you think that?"

"You left her for six months she repeatedly said she was sorry and yet you still holding a grudge with her."

"Is that so bad considering the circumstances?"

"Actually yeah it is you didn't put yourself in her shoe's like a real man would. I'm positive you didn't look at it from every aspect. It was her dream job and she thought it was terrible to get all of us fired especially after she got that label and you know that. She told you before everyone else. We all worked too damn hard to get here and now that she had Alice is you wanna pop back up. I think not." She said with attitude through the roof.

(That's my girl!)

"Whatever man I'm going up to see her." Duke tried to move around her but Drake stopped him.

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