New Student

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My heart literally stopped as we drove up to the school. I gasped and peered out of the window to it's beautifully manicured gardens and it's deceiving structure. Because it wasn't a school for exceptional young women, not it the way they thought anyway, it was a school for spies. And I was going to be one of them.

I saw Zach smile at me and Cammie frown. Jealous much, I thought, me and Zach weren't even together. That would be weird, he was like a brother to me. So that was NEVER going to happen.

I turned back to the window as the gate opened. "We're here." The driver said. What did they say his name was again? Townsend? Something like that.

"What's the code red about?" Liz asked nervously. Cammie shrugged.

"Beats me. I'll ask mum when we get in." She said and opened up the back of the van. Gallagher girls flooded out. We waited till the end. It was me, Liz, Bex, Macey, Zach and Cammie that were the last to get out and the first to notice the limo pulling up.

"Aren't they your parents Macey?" Zach put his hands in his pockets. Macey pursed her lips.

"Yeah." She breathed. "Come on." She started walking. "We need to get inside." As the two adults stepped out of the car in crisp outfits and expensive shoes I couldn't help but think how right she was.


Once inside Zach split off from us. "We need to get Alexa a uniform." Bex said like I wasn't even here.

Macey turned and looked me up and down. "She looks about Cam's size." She nodded, agreeing with herself by the looks of it.

"Do you have a spare uniform Cam?" Liz unlocked their door and pulled me inside.

"Yes." Cammie went to grab one. Not looking too happy about it either. "Dress in the bathroom, quickly."

"And get rid of the contacts and hair dye." Liz added and gave me a bottle of god knows what. "This should help get it out." I took it.

"Thanks." I went into the bathroom to have the quickest change of my life.

I stripped off and jumped in the shower, letting the warm water flow over me before I opened up Liz's mystery bottle and pouring the contents on my hair. (Note to self: Ask Liz later.) It actually felt like my scalp was burning for a moment. Then it was fine. I rubbed it in as quickly as I could and watched in the mirror as all my black hair dye came out like paint, revealing my dark blonde hair beneath.

Next I dried off and took out my contacts, showing my green eyes.

I put on the Gallagher Academy uniform and took a deep breath. The person who stared at me in the mirror wasn't me. Although it copied my every move. I brushed my hair till my head ached and tied it in a tight bun at the top of my head. Then I left the bathroom, my old clothes in my hand, my old life. I dumped them on the floor.

Bex nodded and smiled. "Welcome to the Gallagher Academy Alexa."

"Guys." Cammie said with a smile. "It's time to go down and greet the McHenry's. You coming Alexa?" I was shocked by the question.

"Uhh... Sure?" I replied and blinked.

"Good." Macey said seriously. "Because I promised my parents I'd have at least one more friend by the start of this term, or they said they'd send me to a new school where I'm more popular. And now I have one more friend." Well at least I'd made new friends.

We walked down the stairs and everything looked so normal, I was quite disappointed really, then I remembered what Zach had said about a code red. Everything is meant to look normal, as part of the disguise.

"Hello Pumpkin." A deep friendly voice said from behind us, I turned to see Mr McHenry hugging his daughter. I felt a pang of jealousy, at least she had a dad to hug.

"And whose this?" Mrs McHenry asked. She ran her hand lightly over my cheek, I resisted the urge to either slap it away or gag and said:

"I'm Alexandra." I said and put my hands behind my back. The corners of Macey's mouth twitched as she fought not to laugh.

"Have you been going to this school long, Alex? I can call you Alex right?" Mrs McHenry asked. NO! I swallowed and smiled.

"Of course." I almost choked out the words. Bex snorted behind me and then covered it with a cough. The McHenry's didn't seem to notice.

"Well it's lovely to meet you Alex." She smiled sweetly and turned back to her daughter. "You have very polite friends." She commented. Not, your friends are nice or your friends are kind. But your friends are polite. I rolled my eyes while her back was turned and saw Cammie snigger out the corner of my eye.

"Mrs McHenry." Bex stepped forward, had her British accent gotten stronger? "If you will excuse us, we have a few minutes before dinner." Macey's face lit up. Maybe spending time with her parents wasn't as fun as it looked.

"That's right." She said and stood next to Liz. "We really must be off."

"That's okay, we really wanted to talk to the headmistress Mrs Morgan, if that's alright." Mr McHenry straightened up and walked away with his wife. Liz grinned.

"Come on Alex, we'll show you to the food hall." She laughed.

"Call me that again and I'll kill you." I said as they led me to the hall. The smell of food made my mouth water.

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